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The Fishing Festival passes between the drops in Villegusien [Vidéo]

Despite the weather, the Haute-Marne Fishing Festival was a great success this Sunday June 2 at Lake Vingeanne in Villegusien. Targeted primarily at children, it brought together a good thousand people.

Organizing an event of a certain size outdoors is a challenge this year. We no longer count the garage sales, country festivals or others canceled or spoiled by rain in Haute-Marne or elsewhere. Under these conditions, the 9th Departmental Fishing Festival which was held this Sunday June 2 at the Villegusien nautical base can be congratulated on a more than satisfactory success.

Last year, the temperature was definitely summery for the first Sunday in June. The fishing festival then brought together around 2,000 people in the town of Saint-Dizier, opposite the aquatic center, and some 560 rods and fishing cards were distributed.

Blame it on a “cold drop” phenomenon, yesterday, at the same time of year, raincoats and warm outfits were out at the edge of Lake Vingeanne. Luckily, the fog that raged elsewhere in Haute-Marne was less present after the Côte de Bourg.

Catch a first fish

Despite this poor weather, parents and children were there for the fishing festival, from the opening at 10 a.m. The crowd throughout the day is estimated at around a thousand people. Some 363 rods, lines and “Discovery under 12s” cards were distributed to children who had come for an introduction to fishing.

For many, it was also the opportunity to catch their first fish, one of the objectives of this festival. An emotion that will undoubtedly follow them throughout their lives and that they will remember.

A big organization for the Fishing Festival

The Fishing Festival always brings together many volunteers and partners. On the fishing initiation side, volunteers from the Bologna Nature Fishing Workshop and supervisors from the Nature Fishing House of the Departmental Federation and the Vingeanne Vigilante were on the pontoon of the nautical base. The elected officials and employees of the Federation, the volunteers of the AAPPMA of Villegusien and others provided reception, the distribution of canes, the security of the event, the snacks, etc.

For the environmental awareness part, agents from the French Biodiversity Office held a stand to explain the issues related to water and aquatic environments, thanks to resin fish from the Departmental Fishing Federation.

For its part, the electricity network manager, Enedis, had dispatched three people to the site with a model of a fishing route. The aim was to concretely demonstrate the dangers of practicing under power lines and in stormy weather. The realism of the model spoke much better than long speeches.

Jean-Noël Deprez

[email protected]

A third course soon to be certified in Haute-Marne

After the Passion course, on the Rognon in Donjeux, and the Families course on the Marne in Roôcourt-la-Côte, a third certified course is being created in Haute-Marne. Categorized Discovery, it takes place at Deauville in Saint-Dizier.

An agreement in principle from the National Fishing Federation has been obtained, Michel Rémond, president of the Departmental Fishing Federation, announced yesterday. When the work is completed, the national approval commission will be able to go to Saint-Dizier. Once approval has been obtained, the course will be officially labeled.

Next year to Chaumont

Following the principle of alternation between the four academic districts of National Education in Haute-Marne, the 2025 Fishing Festival should be held in the Chaumont sector, probably at the port of Maladière, on the site of the Departmental Federation , always the first Sunday in June, the date set nationally.


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