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In Val-d’Oise, several hundred people mobilized against an expressway project

This Saturday, the “Living without BIP” collective came together to say “no” to the continuation of the expressway project in Val-d’Oise. This road plans to pass near several schools.

We don’t want this project“, deplores Audrey, spokesperson for the Vivre sans Bip collective at the microphone of France 3 Paris Île-de-France. Residents and elected officials of several municipalities in Val-d’Oise resumed their mobilization against the BIP road project on Saturday, at heart of a long legal battle and which the Council of State put back on track this week.

The BIP is an expressway project which will cover several municipalities in Val-d’Oise. This Saturday, during several neighbors’ celebrations, residents opposed to this project gathered following a recent decision by the Council of State.

In 2016, the prefect recognized the public utility of the project for a road axis which would cross the department. This decision was annulled by the courts two years later, upon appeal by activists against the “Boulevard intercommunal du Parisis” (BIP), an annulment confirmed twice by the Versailles Court of Appeal in 2019 then 2022. The Council State finally returned to this cancellation on Wednesday.

This project is not to the taste of the inhabitants of the six municipalities affected by the route. “We fear for the future of our children because the road will pass near several schools. This will create noise and pollution with the daily passage of cars and trucks.“, regrets Audrey. This expressway will cross the department from east to west.

From Argenteuil to Roissy, the collective counted the presence of around forty elementary schools along the route. “According to the latest data from Airparif and Bruitparif, we are already in a black zone in terms of exposure to pollution and noise. We are going to add this to us in addition. It will only make things worse“, concludes the spokesperson.

This Sunday, a new gathering is planned for the inhabitants of Garges and Sarcelles.


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