DayFR Euro

open float-tube, a first on Lac du Der

The Ufappma du Lac du Der is organizing the very first edition of the Open float-tube on the Grand Der on Sunday June 2. Presentation.

If there have already been float-tube competitions on the North and South basins in the past, the big Der will experience its first edition this Sunday. In which around forty fishermen will participate. Designed for the latter, the float tube has become more widespread in recent years. It has an ergonomic shape allowing easy movement in the water. In a float tube, it is the assurance of reaching places inaccessible by fishing boat for example, and thus exploiting areas with little or no traffic.

“All participants must hold a fishing license”

As for the day’s schedule, the meeting is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. in front of the Cornée du Der campsite for reception. The launch will take place in front of the Cornée du Der campsite in Sainte-Marie-du-Lac. The first round will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The second round will take place from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., followed by the prize giving ceremony around 5 p.m.

Friendly competition

There will be two boats of commissioners who will crisscross the fishing zone to approve the catch. », specifies Mélanie Marchand, from the Maison des Pêcheurs. This friendly competition concerns predator fishing by casting with


Complete article to be found in our May 31, 2024 edition or on our online store!



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