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La Machine show in : jostling, broken tree branch, spectators deprived of the show… when the event is a victim of its success

the essential
The second opus of the show “The Guardian of the Temple” by the Machine company, which was held in on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, brought in 1.2 million visitors. After three spectacular days, it is time to take stock.

The streets of Toulouse welcomed 1.2 million people this weekend, curious to see Asterion the minotaur, Ariadne the spider and Lilith the scorpion woman wander around. 200,000 visitors came to meet them on Friday, 400,000 on Saturday and 600,000 on Sunday. This is more than six years ago: the first opus attracted 900,000 visitors. “A success”, according to Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc, who welcomed this enthusiasm on the social network X.

A pride shared by François Delarozière, artistic director of the La Machine company, who says he is “very happy with this incredible weekend”. “We have never brought together so many people, but we were almost victims of our success.” To avoid large crowds, the precise locations of the scenes were kept secret.

Also read:
La Machine show in Toulouse: the Door of Darkness closes, a breathtaking finale in a crowd bath

However, many sites, crowded with people, have been paralyzed. “We were sometimes overwhelmed by the crowds,” he confirms. From 8 p.m. on Saturday evening, access to the Capitol was closed to manage the flow, while the place had to accommodate the three beasts at the same time. Then on Sunday afternoon, Lilith made her way across a crowded Pont-Neuf. The spectators, already very crowded, were under great pressure.

“A theater of improvisations”

And a little later in the day, when the Minotaur was supposed to reach the spider at Place du Capitole, via rue d'Alsace-Lorraine, he got stuck in front of the Augustins museum. “The machine was slowed down too much by the crowd,” explains François Delarozière. “He was moving very slowly so as not to upset the public, so we shortened his journey so as not to fall behind.”

Also read:
La Machine show in Toulouse: “We were asked to move aside even though there was no more room”, spectators feeling uneasy

“We sometimes let ourselves be surprised, it’s also a theater of improvisations, which forces us to modify the initial plan. We might have done certain things differently if we had known that so many audiences would be there. ” Several spectators, who were waiting patiently at Place du Capitole, were therefore left wanting more. “On Sunday afternoon, we had a few disappointments and that hurts my heart,” he admits.

Thanks to the people of Toulouse

Another hiccup: during its wandering Sunday evening, the spider caught its legs in a tree on Lafayette Street, causing a large branch to fall. “These are things that happen with pressure,” explains the artistic director. With the crowds, the parade times have lengthened, requiring a lot of concentration and energy from the manipulators. Here, he did not anticipate the size one of our managers and a lady from the public were affected. We have to find out more, but apparently, there is nothing serious.

Also read:
VIDEO. Machines Show in Toulouse: when the spider Ariane gets its legs caught in a tree and causes a branch to fall on the audience

François Delarozière remains very grateful to his audience. “The people of Toulouse are very attentive, smiling, understanding. I thank them for supporting us.” He already seems to be thinking about a next edition: “We reshuffle the cards, we look at what was successful, what was less successful. We wonder how to do better. Every experience leads me to manage the next one. This is our job of putting on big shows, in Toulouse or elsewhere.”

The foreign press riveted on Toulouse

Le Monde, Ouest , Le Figaro, Europe 1…: many non-local media reported on the event. “During the show, the local and national press were mostly present with more than 100 accredited media, and around fifteen foreign media: United States, Germany, Spain”, confirms Toulouse Team, the attractiveness agency of Toulouse metropolis . Several foreign press titles had already announced the show. “Majestic robots roam the streets of a French city, 'these giants revive our children's eyes'”, we could read in Euro Weekly News at the end of July. Or even “The giant machines will take possession of Toulouse at the end of October”, in the Spanish newspaper Viajes National Geographic. “In Toulouse, the gigantic mythological machines combine art and technology,” headlined the Italian magazine Style. And the German media Madere wrote: “Giant spectacle in Toulouse: colossi dancing in the city.”


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