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the last boast of the false Mr. Clean By Moustapha Diakhaté

“When we have finished our work of recovering the stolen money, some people will no longer dare to run for office. » says Ousmane Sonko

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko should start by recovering the 94 billion CFA francs from TF 1451/R and the 29 billion CFA francs from Prodac. With this act of great patriotic significance, he will prove to the Senegalese that his accusations of embezzlement of public funds were not a new string of lies, defamation and slanderous denunciations…

Mr. Sonko never misses the opportunity to manipulate opinion with the shameful complicity of media thugs, pseudo columnists, dishonest intellectuals and false ulemas, who have decided to be relays of the propaganda transmitted to them.

In a video lasting less than ten minutes, he announced that the work of “recovering the stolen money” will continue.

With this declaration he is surfing on what made his political success: false accusations and mass manipulation.

Let the Senegalese not forget that this gentleman had declared urbi et orbi to have irrefutable proof of the misappropriation of 94 billion CFA francs of public funds and a report from the General State Inspectorate on a misappropriation of 29 billion CFA francs. He never matched his words with action. Now he is Prime Minister, it is the opportunity to present his evidence to national opinion.

Showing the evidence of this supposed heist of the century is not a freedom for the Prime Minister but an obligation, a duty for his honor and the credibility of the tax administration.

In reality, the case of Tf 1 451/R is irrefutable proof that Mr. Clean’s shoe size is too large for him.

The recording of the interview between MP Ousmane Sonko and the heirs of Tf 1 451/R shows that the Senegalese were victims of a great “falsialist”.

Mr. Sonko disqualified himself from fighting the facts of insider trading, conflicts of interest, corruption, embezzlement of public funds and “recovery of stolen money”.

The Senegalese have in front of them a talkative manipulator, without much composure and whose even the words and the mediocre level of the speech reveal his incapacity to represent a State.

In Senegalese parliamentary traditions, deputies, to expedite the requests of the populations, use the instruments that the internal regulations of the National Assembly make available to them.

These are oral and written questions, the creation of parliamentary commissions of inquiry, study groups, and the hearing of implicated officials to clarify a conflict with or without dispossession.

Beyond that, former MP Ousmane Sonko had breached parliamentary ethics and professional conduct. He had erred and was guilty of insider trading by connecting descendants of Ndiaga Ndoye with the Mercalex Cabinet.

Via the Atlas company, he negotiated with the rights holders of Tf 1451/R to receive 12 billion of the 94 billion CFA francs in compensation that the State of Senegal had to pay following a land dispute.

To cover his tracks in collecting the expected 12 billion, he created the company Mercalex on June 29, 2018, managed by his partner Ismaïla Ba. And quickly Mercalex signed a protocol with the heirs of Tf 1451/R.

Unfortunately for them, the heirs had already signed a similar agreement with another company, Sofico, managed by Tahirou Sarr. This is how the pot aux roses was discovered.

If he had succeeded in pocketing the 12 billion CFA francs, Pastef and Senegalese activists would never have learned that taxpayers paid compensation of 94 billion CFA francs to the heirs of Tf 1451/R.

Too bad for those who believed in a hoaxer who was the polar opposite of the Mr. Clean he claims to embody.
Also, a Prime Minister does not solemnly address the Senegalese, it is an exclusive prerogative of the President of the Republic. We must move beyond the era of live video and finally face the press when we want to report on the management of public affairs.

Long live the Republic !

Long live Senegal!

Dakar, May 31, 2024

Moustapha Diakhate


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