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Thirty businesses affected by devastating floods in Haute-

Ten days after the floods of October 17, the Tanneries du Puy have still not returned to full activity. Between 10 and 15 centimeters of water entered the finishing workshop. Other businesses were also impacted throughout the department.

The commune of Chadrac was not spared by the flood of October 17. If the water entered only two houses, it mainly affected the community wastewater treatment plant and the Tanneries du Puy company where around 180 people work.
The employees were evacuated Thursday, October 17, at 10 a.m. By then, water was already blocking the entrance to the parking lot. An old access was cleared to allow almost all vehicles to be evacuated. Three cars, whose owners were traveling, remained underwater. Only one company building was flooded.
According to our information, several machines were unable to restart normally, which penalized the entire production line on the site. When requested, the management of the Tanneries spoke through the communications department of the Hermès group. “All measures have been implemented to ensure the safety of employees and the site. We confirm that there have been no accidental spills on site or off site. Today, activity is gradually resuming, including the sending of reprocessed effluent at the tannery to the Chadrac wastewater treatment plant. » The company's internal wastewater treatment plant, which was put into operation during the summer, was able to continue operating normally during the floods. “We confirm that all salaries of Tannerie du Puy employees are maintained in full. »
Les Tanneries du Puy would be the largest company impacted by the floods of October 17. The prefecture has identified around thirty companies potentially in difficulty following the Cévennes episode. The firefighters intervened on 16 companies, including 13 in Haut Lignon. “To date, no request for partial activity has been submitted to the prefecture, the majority of employees having been mobilized to recondition the work tools,” specifies the prefecture.

Celine Demars

At the end of a meeting bringing together the various partners from the economic world of the department (Departmental Council, Regional Council, Urssaf, Medef, Departmental Directorate of Public Finances, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Trades and crafts and Departmental Directorate of Employment, Labor, Solidarity and Population Protection).


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