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relatives of the nonagenarian killed by a dog in a cemetery in Gard testify

Annette Guibal’s little cousin and great-nephew testify to BFMTV and La Provence. Attacked by a dog in a cemetery, their 93-year-old grandmother was killed this Tuesday, May 28 in Gard.

They are “shocked” and “angry”. Annette Guibal’s little cousin and great-nephew do not “understand” how their eldest daughter could have been killed this Tuesday, May 28. While she was about to flower a grave in the cemetery of the town of Canaules-et-Argentière, in Gard, this nonagenarian was fatally attacked by a dog.

“I’m very, very shocked. I’m having trouble realizing it. I’m trying to imagine the scene and it’s very complicated to manage,” Sabine Tebar, the victim’s cousin, explains to BFMTV.

“The circumstances of this tragedy are not clear at all,” his great-nephew, whose great-aunt lived near him, is alarmed in the columns of La Provence. “How come these dogs were in the cemetery, without muzzles at that? I don’t know how their owners train them, but attacking a person like this is abnormal.”

“An attack of extreme brutality”

The events occurred on Tuesday May 28. While Annette Guibal was planning to put flowers on the grave of a loved one, she came across a young 18-year-old woman, an intern in a dog breeder, who was walking an Argentinian mastiff.

In circumstances that remain to be established, the animal, a very powerful dog, jumped at the old lady’s throat. She then fell and bled to the ground, while the dog refused to let go, a judicial Source describes to BFMTV, reporting “an extremely brutal attack”. Her carotid artery being severed, Annette Guibal did not survive her injuries.

The young girl, unable to control the dog which had escaped from her, immediately notified the emergency services, then the manager of the breeding, a 42-year-old mother.

This manager then told her trainee to tell the police that the nonagenarian had been attacked by a stray dog. She then sent her two 19-year-old sons there to remove the dog and any trace that could lead to him. These four individuals were indicted this Thursday, May 30, BFMTV learned.

Speaking to BFMTV, Sabine Tebar said she was “very sad and very angry” and denounced “the irresponsibility of this woman who leaves dogs… you don’t walk dogs in a cemetery!” “I am scandalized. I hope that justice will be up to the task,” she said.

“We want explanations and above all justice will do its work” says the victim’s great-nephew in La Provence. “The alleged culprits must receive a real sanction if they are recognized as such. Such a tragedy must not happen again. It is not possible that this could happen!”

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