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Centenary of Jaurès’ entry into the Pantheon: many events are planned in Tarn

the essential
The year 2024 marks the centenary of Jean Jaurès’ entry into the Pantheon. The opportunity for the Prefecture of Tarn and the Department to organize several events and demonstrations to honor the memory of this great socialist figure.

The Tarn, birthplace of Jean Jaurès, is celebrating the centenary of his pantheonization this year 2024. An emblematic figure of socialism and peace, he remains engraved in the memories of the French as the ardent defender of humanist ideas. “And it is on the occasion of this historic anniversary that the Tarn department joins forces with the Prefecture to honor his memory and his thoughts,” underlines Christophe Ramond, president of the Tarn Departmental Council. Through the events that perpetuate the tribune’s legacy, here are the details.


On Saturday June 8, the town of Pampelonne is organizing a 6-kilometer hike in the footsteps of Jean Jaurès. Explanatory panels on the history of the socialist will be available throughout the route, to educate spectators about key periods of his life.

Thursday June 20 will mark the official opening of the Bessoulet estate. This intimate place full of memory, considered the “refuge” of Jean Jaurès.

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On September 20, actor Jean-Claude Drouot will travel to the Lapérouse high school in Albi to read the Youth speech, in front of middle and high school students.


In Castres, and more precisely at the Jean Jaurès National Center and Museum, the “Jaurès Intime” exhibition is available until November 30, 2024.

In Albi, the departmental archives exhibit various archival documents, highlighting the life and legacy of Jean Jaurès. The collection can be discovered from September 1 to 30, 2024.

The town of Cagnac-les-Mines will retrace the life of Jean Jaurès and the youth of Tarn thanks to the exhibition “Jean Jaurès, the man of peace”, available from November 1 to 30, 2024.



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