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“Some vehicles were traveling at more than 80 km/hour!” The donkeys of discord in this commune of Haute-

Motorists from Haute- contacted an association for the defense of public service users to denounce the illegality of certain speed bumps, particularly in the town of Palais-sur-Vienne, where motorists are forced to slow down. The municipality confirms their compliance and is surprised by this debate on pedestrian safety.


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At Palais-sur-Vienne, Avenue Jean Giraudoux which crosses the town from north to south has had a makeover. For approximately two kilometers, the roadway has just been completely resurfaced. On this ribbon of bitumen, no less than seven speed bumps have been installed. Far too much, according to the Association for the Defense of Users of Public Services.

Its president Alain Mauricou wants to take legal action to denounce what he calls abuse. Reason given: these are positioned on an inclined road, in bends, on the route of a bus, all reasons, according to him, to ask the mayor to remove these road improvements.

The town of Palais-sur-Vienne and metropolis – which financed the new road – are clear that the speed bumps were installed in the strictest legality. For Laurence Marin, deputy general director of Limoges Métropole, responsible for the development of public spaces and mobility, there is no debate. The president of the association of users of public services relies on a court decision rendered by the court, based on the application of a decree, but this case does not set a precedent! “We built this road legally.”

According to Alain Mauricou, this equipment penalizes motorists, because they are too high, “it would have been better to install intelligent lights” he says, instead of the seven speed bumps on Avenue Giraudoux.

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To this argument, Limoges Métropole retorts that the cost of so-called “intelligent” lights is very high (around 30,000 euros) whereas in this case, the speed bumps at Palais-sur-Vienne cost nothing, because they were poured into the roadway during its repair.

Donkey rides galore at the Palais sur Vienne

© Eléa Tymen, France Télévisions

The irrefutable argument remains that of pedestrian safety. The axis serves a school group, a sports field, and walking routes. But it also connects the Beaubreuil district. Some motorists and delivery people used it as a shortcut and did not respect the speed limits, according to Christophe Barbe, first deputy mayor (PS) of Palais-sur-Vienne. “We verified that some drivers could drive up to 80 km/hour on this section, as if they were taking a national road!”

The City has therefore decided to limit the zone to 30 km/hour and the speed bumps are there to guarantee greater safety for pedestrians. The Limoges metropolis recalls that last year, fifty-five pedestrians were victims of accidents in urban areas, most often due to non-compliance with the speed limit. As for the residents of Avenue Jean Giraudoux in Palais-sur-Vienne, the majority believe that they have gained in quality of life and safety with the installation of these speed bumps.


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