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In (Haute-Garonne), we still say “no” to the new prison project

It was a festive gathering, with the organization of a plant market, the presence of a few musicians and the possibility of eating on site. A warm and friendly demonstration, to express your disagreement with a large-scale project. The French state wishes to build a new prison in the town of (Haute-Garonne). The local residents are fiercely opposed to this desire and we make it known this Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Excavations already started

The Muretains have already been able to see archaeological excavations underway in the area of ​​the future prison project. “We see men with yellow vests and helmets, but we don’t know exactly what they’re here to do if we don’t ask them the question, deplores Virginie, member of the Muret Residents’ Association. As a citizen, it is democratic denial, our opinion, our voice, our own interests. In fact, we don’t feel considered at all.”

The project provides for a prison with 600 places on 17 hectares of agricultural land. An ecological aberration for Arnaud Despax, secretary of the Association of Citizens for Ecology and Solidarity in Muret. “This project is underway and as long as construction is not done, we can avoid it. There is a political will, but that can be contradicted, that can be thwarted.”

Residents divided

For residents, the situation is quite vague, this question of a new prison divides. “It keeps businesses going. I don’t see why that would be a problem.”estimates one of them. Laurent is one of those who are not “Not opposed, I’m not in favor either. I think we need to find a solution to the problems we have in our society today and I think the debate is essential.”

While waiting for a hypothetical debate and broader information for the population, the project is continuing despite several unfavorable opinionsnotably those of the town hall of Muret and the agglomeration of Muretain.


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