DayFR Euro

The SVP retains its two seats in the Aargau government

The people on Sunday chose continuity in the election of the Aargau government. The four outgoing state councilors from the UDC, the PLR, the Center and the PS were re-elected and the agrarian party retained its 2nd seat, vacant, with the election of Martina Bircher.

A woman thus joined the executive composed only of men during the last legislature. Martina Bircher, UDC national councilor, exceeded the absolute majority and was therefore elected on the first try, according to the final results of the cantonal chancellery.

The Green Liberals and the Greens, who each presented a candidate, failed in their attempt to take a seat in the government. Both parties are represented in the cantonal parliament.

Read also: Electoral fights in sight in Basel and Aargau

The UDC big winner in parliament

The four outgoing State Councilors were clearly confirmed in their functions. Centrist Markus Dieth obtained the best result with 96,742 votes, closely followed by PLR Stephan Attiger (94,648 votes). Jean-Pierre Gallati (UDC) and Dieter Egli (PS) also far exceeded the absolute majority of 59,719 votes.

In the elections to the Aargau parliament, it is the UDC which is the big winner with 5 additional seats. The Greens are the losers of the day with 4 seats less, followed by the Green Liberals (-2) and the Swiss evangelical party (-1).


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