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Burger King arrives near Marmande: we tell you where


Jeremy Colin

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 4:38 p.m.

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Sainte-Bazeille continues to attract businesses and franchises. According to our information, Burger King, American fast food brand is about to settle in the town, along the RD813, in a new commercial area which must come out of the ground.

The matter was raised this Wednesday, May 22, 2024, on the occasion of the meeting to present the revision of the local urban plan from the town of Marmande. The participants, Joel Hocquelet Understood, confirmed the arrival of the American giant in the town of Sainte-Bazeillenot without a touch of concern.

“Burger King is a magnet for businesses,” we heard from the merchants present. It is a safe bet that many brands will want to apply to become neighbors of the restaurant which attracts a large flow of visitors wherever it is located. Every opening of a Burger King is an eventcleverly orchestrated by offbeat communication and appreciated by young people.

The fourth restaurant in Lot-et-Garonne

On the Sainte-Bazeille side, Gilles Lagaüzère, mayor of the town did not refute without confirming our information. “Today, there is no certainty, but things are in progress, projects are being considered. There are still many steps. We have to do things in order in terms of regulations and zoning. » The first councilor admits in any case that a commercial zone with such a brand would be a great asset for his municipality.

Nothing is validated, but it is true that there is a showcase here in which many want to be. For brands that want a rewarding and attractive location where there is already a catchment of the population and a large catchment area, they tend to want to be part of those who are there.

Gilles Lagaüzère

According to our information, the land acquisition operation would be about to be carried out by the Bertrand Groupin charge of the deployment of Burger King restaurants, since his return to France in 2013.

After Boé next to Agen, the Agen-Porte d’Aquitaine motorway area then, recently Bias next to Villeneuve-sur-Lot, it would therefore be the fourth establishment of the brand in Lot-et-Garonne.

Joined by us, Clémence Brandolin-Robert, franchisee at the head of the Agenais and Villeneuvois restaurantsdid not deny our information without confirming that she will be at the head of the establishment.

With LV and M.-PC

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