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University of Manitoba philanthropist calls out graduate’s ‘hateful’ speech

Philanthropist Ernest Rady, behind a $30 million donation to the University of Manitoba, denounces Gem Newman’s comments. The valedictorian appealed for peace in Gaza at his graduation, criticizing the “deafening silence” of doctors’ organizations in Manitoba.

In a letter dated Monday, philanthropist Ernest Rady said he was hurt and dismayed by comments made by valedictorian Gem Newman at the University of Manitoba’s Max Rady College of Medicine students’ graduation ceremony, on May 16.

He asks the university to recognize that these comments were not only inaccurate, but downright false, that they were hurtful to Jewish students at the university and all people of the Jewish faithindicates the letter from Ernest Rady.

Mr. Newman’s speech not only dishonored the memory of my father, but it also disrespected and denigrated the Jewish people as a whole.

A quote from Excerpt from a letter from the philanthropist Ernest Rady

This letter was sent to University President Michael Benarroch and Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Peter Nickerson.

CBC/Radio-Canada requested an interview with Ernest Rady for an interview, but the latter refused, adding that everything he wanted to express about the speech was contained in his letter.

In the last three minutes of her nine-minute speech, Gem Newman, calls for a ceasefire in the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has left thousands dead since the October 7, 2023 attack.


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Gem Newman during her speech to the Class of 2024 at the Max Rady College of Medicine at the University of Manitoba.

Photo: Radio-Canada

At least 35,709 Palestinians, the majority civilians, died in this offensive, according to data from the Gaza Ministry of Health published Wednesday.

Israeli offensives have also triggered a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, displacing around 80% of the population and leaving hundreds of thousands on the brink of famine, according to officials.UN.

For its part, the Israeli camp reports around 1,200 victims and 250 of their nationals held hostage.

Video of the speech removed from University networks

In his speech, the graduate spoke of his mandate as a future doctor, and the need to protect victims of the conflict. He confided that he wanted to play this role despite the mentioned risk of being faced with censorship.

The day after the speech, a statement from the medical school’s dean, Dr. Peter Nickerson, was posted on the website UMNewsin which he qualifies the doctoral student’s remarks as Source of incendiary division.

A video of the graduation ceremony including Gem Newman’s appearance was posted on the University of Manitoba’s YouTube channel. Since Tuesday, the video has been removed from the channel.

Dean Dr. Peter Nickerson confirmed and justified the removal of the controversial video. Mr. Rady was far from the first person to call for the speech to be withdrawn because of the harm it caused members of the Jewish community. The University decided it was not appropriate to continue broadcasting the speech on its channelhe wrote in a press release.

Graduate Response

Gem Newman, contacted by CBC/Radio-Canada, was on vacation and was unable to grant an interview, offering an email reaction in response to the comments of the philanthropist, Ernest Rady.

He clarified in his email that his speech at his graduation criticized a government engaged in a campaign of collective punishment of the Palestinian people that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, calling Israel’s actions horrible and disproportionate response to the tragedy of October 7.

I find it frankly incredible that advocating for a cessation of hostilities is considered not only controversial, but also a form of hatred.

A quote from Gem Newman, medical graduate.

Criticism of the actions of the Israeli government does not in itself constitute anti-Semitism. This accusation…serves to trivialize the unfortunately very real cases of anti-Semitism that are occurringregrets Gem Newman.

With information from Arturo Chang


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