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Seniors from Pays de Lyons and Andelle seduced by Blue Week activities


Isabelle Lawson

Published on

Oct. 20, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.

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The Blue week (from September 30 to October 6) ended in style for our seniors who were able to enjoy an afternoon dance hallThursday October 3 at Andelle Manorin Charleval (Eure).

“This is the second year that we are offering the guinguette ball and it still attracts so many people”

Anne Fauquette, head of the home help service at the Lyons Andelle Community of Communes (Cdcla)

Nearly 100 guests at the guinguette ball

Indeed, 89 participants responded to the invitation, came to spend a pleasant and friendly time. From the first notes of the accordion then the singer’s voice, some were already on the floor, sketching out a few dance steps.

Others were chatting or drinking coffee or fruit juice before sharing the sweet snacks provided by the Cdcla teams.

The seniors are swaying their hips on the dance floor. ©L’Impartial
Videos: currently on Actu

In addition to the guinguette ball, during the other three days, several free events were organized by the Cdcla, intended for people over 60 and their companions.

It was in Lisors that Blue Week began, Monday September 30, at Mortemer Abbey. Around thirty seniors visited the abbey, the palace and the ruins, accompanied by a guide.

The dance floor is full, proof of a good atmosphere to close this Blue Week. ©L’Impartial

The initiation to the paint and the discovery workshop the floral art of the next dayat the Romilly-sur-Andelle elderly residence, are the activities that least attracted our seniors. Around twenty people still participated.

“These cultural activities are above all a way to break isolation, to break the routine, to meet other people, to socialize”

Anne Fauquette, head of the home help service at the Lyons Andelle Community of Communes (Cdcla)

Intergenerational games, success of this Blue Week

On the other hand, the intergenerational games activity, organized by the CCAS of Fleury-sur-Andelle at the residence for the elderly, was more successful.

Around thirty seniors and 25 children from the Fleury-sur-Andelle leisure center met on the afternoon of Wednesday October 2, around fair games, board games… Some even made cakes. “The intergenerational activity is the most interesting because it creates a bond and it gives meaning. It was a real pleasure to work with the social center, the Charleval and Lyons nursing homes in particular,” concludes Anne Fauquette.

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