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Abdoul Mbaye and Thierno Alassane Sall unite to challenge the regime and build a fairer Senegal

In a political context marked by growing tensions and calls for reform, the “Sénégal Kessé” coalition, led by Thierno Alassane Sall, recently unveiled an ambitious legislative program. Accompanied by Abdoul Mbaye, former Prime Minister, TAS presented a series of proposals which aim to profoundly transform the political and social landscape of Senegal.

Revolutionary Proposals for Justice and Equality

At the heart of this initiative is a clear desire to eradicate inequalities. Among the flagship proposals is the reform of the Family Code, which would allow mothers to obtain parental authorization to travel with their children, without depending on the father. A strong gesture in favor of equal rights, which could change the lives of thousands of Senegalese families.

The coalition also calls for a radical reform of the Electoral Code, with the aim of dissociating voter and eligibility rights. By putting an end to the automatic loss of these rights in the event of conviction, “Sénégal Kessé” wishes to guarantee fair access to political life for all citizens, even in the event of legal dispute.

Restoring Confidence in Institutions

Faced with recent institutional blockages, the leaders of “Sénégal Kessé” are demanding measures to ensure the proper functioning of state bodies. By providing for transparent appointments and avoiding the freezing of judicial institutions, the coalition intends to restore citizens’ trust with their representatives.

A Call for Social Justice

The proposal to repeal the amnesty law adopted in March 2024 demonstrates a desire to ensure justice and reparation for victims of political unrest. At the same time, the establishment of commissions of inquiry into sensitive subjects, such as land management and the national debt, illustrates a firm commitment to transparency and accountability.

Employment at the heart of concerns

In a country where unemployment, particularly among young people, remains a major issue, “Sénégal Kessé” proposes the organization of monthly job fairs and the creation of seaside economic centers. These initiatives aim to offer viable alternatives to illegal immigration, by strengthening local opportunities.

A Wind of Change

The Senegal Kessé initiative, through its bold proposals and its call for unity, marks a turning point in the fight for a more just and inclusive Senegal. Citizens are called upon to support this coalition which, through its actions, seeks not only to reform the laws, but also to restore dignity and confidence in the institutions of the Republic.

Faced with these challenges, the “Sénégal Kessé” coalition stands out as a beacon of hope for a better future, where justice and equality will not be simple promises, but tangible realities. The stakes are considerable and the future of Senegal could well depend on this dynamic driven by leaders determined to bring about real change.


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