DayFR Euro

– Federal 2: Usep as an ambitious outsider in the Gers

Usep continues its Gers journey to Lombez Samatan, former resident of F&eacute…

Usep continues its Gers journey to Lombez Samatan, former resident of Fédérale 1, who is tied on points with the Béarnais. Enough to benchmark without accounting pressure at a big engine: “We go there with complete humility, it’s the opportunity to continue to progress in our game, knowing that it’s easier to work by chaining together positive results. If we can scratch a point or more, we will not hesitate,” analyzes Arnaud Labernadie.

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Occasionally converted to the 2nd line, the captain of the Black and Violet appreciates: “I don’t mind it, I’m more at the heart of the game, I tackle more, worry less about the 3rd curtain. Physically I feel very good, it’s been a few seasons since I was able to start the championship, so it’s very positive.” With a leader in top form, the Ger-Seron-Bedeille alliance has had a good start to the year, firmly in the right place.

However, there is no getting carried away: “We are mainly looking behind and at the gap we are opening up with the teams at the bottom of the table, because we are firstly aiming to maintain our position. I don’t forget that we’ve had a favorable schedule until now.” A result in Lombez would confirm that Usep can aim upwards.


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