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he denounces the embarrassing parking of a gendarme on Facebook and finds himself in police custody

He is known for his satirical posters installed in front of his garage in Champagnole (Jura). Max Marandet is once again being prosecuted for having published photos on Facebook of a poorly parked gendarme. He was placed in police custody and will appear in court in February.


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As always with him, the affair caused a lot of noise. Max Marandet certainly gives it quite a response on his social networks. Where it all started on September 9, 2024. The mechanic was in fact taken into police custody on October 10 following a complaint filed by a gendarme from Champagnole (Jura) for contempt and defamation. He will be summoned to court for his trial next February in Lons-le-Saunier.

It all started with a Facebook post in which he denounced the inconvenient parking on a sidewalk of a soldier from the Motorized Brigade (BMo) of the Champagnole gendarmerie, supporting photos of his white utility vehicle.

“This gendarme is known in Champagnole, he has the habit of parking haphazardly on the sidewalk in front of the building where he lives, explains Max Marandet to France 3 Franche-Comté. I had already seen it done this summer. I had seen a disabled person in a wheelchair who couldn’t get through. I helped him cross to change sidewalks. When I saw the vehicle again in the same place, I was blown away. I took three photos and put them on Goat Face.” With some comments of his own.

A spotlight little appreciated by the gendarme who immediately filed a complaint. “He didn’t appreciate being caught at fault”continues Max Marandet, who refused to go to the Lons-le-Saunier gendarmerie where he was expected on October 4. “I don’t see why I was going to travel 30 km when I could go to the Champagnole gendarmerie.” he justifies himself.

A week later, three Lédonian gendarmes showed up in his garage to “take him on board”. Max Marandet was held in police custody for a good part of the day before being released. A custody that he judges “illegal and arbitrary”. But that is not surprising according to him.

There is a price on my head. the manhunt is on. I’m a bit of a beast to kill. Everything is good to pay Max Marandet!

Max Marandet, mechanic in Champagnole (Jura).

Since 2021, in fact, the Jura troublemaker has regularly hit the headlines with his parodic and provocative posters. They are iinstalled on a trailer, at the Pontarlier roundabout, in front of his car dealership. Max Marandet first and foremost lampoons women and men in politics. One of his posters was aimed in particular at Nicolas Sarkozysupported by Don Corleone”. A another mentioned Zérine, the “hidden girl” by Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour. Several complaints were filed against him, notably by the RN and LREM.

He recently attacked Emmanuel Macron for his “Zoolympic Games”, Michel Barnier, shown sitting on an ejection seat, sticks of dynamite in hand, with the caption “We have less pressure” or even Abbé Pierre after the accusations of sexual assault targeting the man who was for a long time the favorite personality of the French.

Max Marandet targets politicians of all stripes in his satirical posters like here Michel Barnier, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.

© Max Marandet

“I don’t just shoot at politicians”corrects Max Marandet. In May 2023, he had already mocked the local gendarmes as reported by Le Progrès, with a poster entitled:“Champagnole charming town”. It showed two soldiers in uniform, staged around a city fountain whose statue was stolen in 2015 and which could never be found.

“My signs are disturbing, I know itconfides Max Marandet who claims to have been in the crosshairs of law enforcement and justice for months. “Every time I put a new one on, the police come and take a photo of it straight away.”

I am free. I say out loud what everyone is thinking. And people recognize themselves in my posters.

Max Marandet, mechanic in Champagnole (Jura).

Max Marandet was given a summons to appear before the Lons-le-Saunier Criminal Court on February 18. He is being prosecuted for “publication or disclosure of an element relating to the declaration of assets or interests of a public official”, dhe information allowing the identification and location of the gendarme in question and therefore putting him and his family in danger. He will also appear for ““insulting a person holding public authority”. The prosecution specifies that the person concerned had already been convicted of contempt on September 23, 2022 “for identical or similar facts”.

Two offenses that could cost him dearly, but he accepts it. The mechanic received, he said, many messages of support. And he intends to defend his total freedom of expression at the hearing. “The pen is stronger than the clubinsisted Max Marandet. They don’t know how far I can go and that’s what worries them.”


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