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12 new Citoyliens partners


Association whose purpose is the development and promotion of Organic Agriculture in the Corrèze department, made up of organic producers or those in conversion, as well as local stakeholders who support organic farming: processors, distributors, consumers.

Citoyliens relays the articles and events organized by Agrobio19 (see here)

Let’s build naturally

Bâtissons au naturel is a collective of builders driven by a desire to transmission of traditional knowledge. During their training and initiations, come learn and discover while respecting heritage and people.

Citizens relay the training dates of this group of young professionals in eco-construction and renovationactive around and in the Dordogne Valley. (see here)

The exotic

La Dépaysante is an association which brings together producers, cooks and artisans in Corrèze, an approach to promoting peasant and artisanal know-how through cooking, the distribution of local products and festive events.

Actions: Creation/distribution of baskets from local producers – Cantines Paysannes – Caterer

La Dépaysante is also a large civic and friendly place in one of the pedestrian streets of the city center of Tulle offering numerous possibilities for entertainment, training and conviviality. .

Citizens relay activities, events and articles related to the Dépaysante. (see here)

June Correct

Ğ1, pronounced “June”, is a currency without physical support. It is starting to be used in Corrèze by a fairly large and dynamic group during meeting days and exchange markets, joint activities, in a very warm and connecting spirit… His group is a partner of Citoyliens, and you can find all its event and meeting announcements by following this link.


The Koridori movement is an association which recreates the links between Man and Nature. To do this, it promotes biological corridors, which are passages in which life circulates. In times of global warming and erosion of biodiversity, biological corridors allow species to migrate to their new habitat areas. Either going further north or higher in altitude.

Koridori is a partner of Citoyliens – Find in one click the publications of “Corps en Mouvement” on Citoyliens by clicking here

Waters acts

Eaux Actes Citoyens is an association whose aim is to protect water as a common good, vital to all human beings and, more broadly to all living beings, to protect its quality and accessibility in a fair and sustainable manner; Protect in particular, but not exclusively, water, whatever its nature (rainwater, surface, underground, etc.) located on the territory of the Xaintrie-Val-Dordogne community of communes and across all watersheds upstream

Eaux Actes Citoyens is a partner of Citoyliens – Find in one click the publications of “Corps en Mouvement” on Citoyliens by clicking here

Green Cloud

Nuage-Vert is a very dynamic mobile museum approach, a museum anchored in a territory (Corrèze) with collections but which is open to global issues (local-global) and plays with movement and diffusion materially and online to all audiences with very varied free events thanks to full volunteerism and exchanges of generosity. Exhibition room in the Saint Angel garden in Argentat, and in 19th.

Nuage-vert is a partner of Citoyliens; find the numerous announcements of events, exhibitions, ecological and artistic themed walks, and videos of conferences and exhibitions by clicking here

Ecolieu des Dames

L’Écolieu des Dames is the place where the graphic designer, animator and green wood sculptor Philippe Rabagnac leads weekends of creative, participatory activities in a setting very close to nature, and in a rejuvenating and sustainable spirit.

Philippe / Écolieu des Dames is a partner of Citoyliens and publishes its own event announcements and articles in (see here)

Low Tech Tulle

Low-Tech-Tulle is a young association active in Low-Tech and which was created in the heart of Tulle – This large place hosts training, joint achievements, activities in an excellent humanist and sustainable atmosphere ???? .. Low-Tech-Tulle is a member of a national network, and you will find its stand demonstrating its know-how at numerous events in Corrèze.

Low-Tech-Tulle itself publishes its event announcements and articles in (see here)

Bodies in Motion

Corps en Mouvement is a young association from Altillac focused on music, art and personal development approaches and gentle therapies.
The Altillac “Corps en Mouvement” association is a partner of Citoyliens and publishes its own event announcements in the shared calendar, distributes articles, videos, appears in the newsletter, etc.

Find in one click the publications of “Corps en Mouvement” on Citoyliens by clicking here

In my center

The association “En mon Center”, located in Turenne, offers a unique approach to meditation through the body and the practice of archery. It combines moving meditations based on archer’s pose and guided sitting meditations, allowing participants to explore their bodily feelings.

En mon Center is an association which has decided to be a partner of Citoyliens – find its announcements and publications by clicking here

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