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The Food Bank is organizing an open day this Saturday to celebrate its 40th anniversary

The opportunity to discover the activity of this association which prepares three million meals per year and to encourage volunteer vocations.

Food banks have existed for forty years! To mark this national anniversary, that of Nîmes is organizing an open day this Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the presence of the prefect and Jean Cottave, president of the French Food Bank Federation.

46,200 people helped each year

“Since 1984, the BAs have embodied solidarity, sharing and commitment. In , we have existed since 1991”explains Frédéric Pouget, responsible for communications for the association which is an essential link in food aid. “We collect more than 1,700 tonnes of food free of charge per year which are redistributed to 91 relay associations across Gard including the Red Cross and the CCAS, which helps 42,600 people in precarious situations”.

The food comes from daily collections from supermarkets, grants from the State and Europe, donations from partners in the agricultural world and the Gard agri-food industry. “Thanks to an agreement signed with the Chamber of Agriculture, in 2023 we were able to distribute 227 tonnes of fruits, vegetables, legumes…”he congratulates himself.

Workshop against food waste

This open day will allow you to visit the premises located at the market-station, where the foodstuffs are sorted, stored and redistributed, to better understand the associations which obtain their supplies there and to meet the volunteers. Around a hundred invest in the association from a few hours per month to several days per week. But it’s still missing… “We have 30 regular volunteers, we need double that, we also need drivers,” recognizes Frédéric Pouget. Notice to amateurs!

Several workshops will be offered during this morning around the fight against food waste, on easy cooking recipes or with Rosine Portero, the president of the Gard Diabetics Association.

Food bank, Marché-station, 3214 route de , Nîmes.


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