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the first of its kind in the Ardennes

It is the first training of its kind in the Ardennes. THE Pierre-Bayle high school in Sedan inaugurated this Wednesday October 16, 2024 its new BTS real estate professions. Training that it has been offering since the start of the 2024 school year and which aims to train the real estate professionals of tomorrow.

« It’s a training professionalizing which responds to a demand from professionals in the sector. We did a study two years ago, and both real estate agencies and notaries showed interest,” explains Sophie Godart, BTS reference teacher, which until then did not exist in the Ardennes. The closest formation was previously in Épernay, in .


Management of real estate projects, sale and rental of property, administration of co-ownerships and social housing, the BTS aims to be polyvalent and deals with all aspects of real estate. “ There is also everything relating to the legal and economic environment of real estate activities, but also general culture courses, and English written and oral », Adds Marie-Ange Bigorgne, reference teacher. In addition to their 30 hours of weekly lessons, students also have 14 weeks of internship to be completed over their two years of training.

At the end of their course, graduates will be able to enter the world of work and apply for business cardwhich certifies their ability to practice the profession of real estate agent. But for those who wish, it will also be possible for them to continue their studies, in a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Concrete cases studied in class

For its first year, the BTS attracted 17 studentsthe maximum that it can accommodate. “ We refused many applications, young people had to be motivated and have a real project », Indicates Marie-Ange Bigorgne. Manon Linden, 19, is part of the first promotion.

When she learned of the creation of BTS, she immediately jumped at the opportunity. “ Since I was little, I have been attracted to the world of real estate. », confides the young woman from Mouzon, who would like to devote herself later to sales and rental management. “ The courses are really good and in addition we work on real concrete cases from Sedan real estate agencies, so we are immediately immersed in the profession », says, delighted, Hermance Guyot, 18 years old, who is predestined for a career as a real estate agent.

“We are happy to be able to open a new BTS, it’s something rare in the life of an establishment”

Philippe VizierPrincipal of Pierre-Bayle high school

« We are happy to be able to open a new BTS, because it is something rare in the life of an establishmentwelcomed Philippe Vizier, the principal of the Pierre-Bayle high school. Especially since this is based on a professional need. » An argument confirmed by Christophe Savart, director of the Citya real estate agency in Sedan. “ The arrival of BTS is interesting for us especially in terms of recruitment. Because it is rare to have people with adequate training », Testifies the professional, who will welcome several Sedan students for internships starting next month.

Training accessible after the baccalaureate. Applications via Parcoursup.


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