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Teacher slapped in : an investigation opened after the disclosure of teachers’ names on the Internet

The case concerning the teacher attacked in (North) takes a new turn. An investigation was opened following a publication on the It is in this same establishment that a young girl is accused of having slapped a teacher who asked her to remove her veil.

“Following the publication on a risk of harm to people or property,” indicated the public prosecutor’s office.

According to La Voix du , teachers filed a complaint after the publication on the Internet of a list of names of teachers supposed to support the high school student. The teenager was taken into custody last week and will be tried on December 11. Several media outlets claimed that around ten teachers from the Sévigné high school had supported her.

“The rumor, according to which teachers took the side of the student who hit the teacher who asked her to remove her veil, is a pure and simple lie” written in a column published on October 14 on the website “Emancipation” the CGT section of the high school.

This column denounces a “campaign of the extreme right, relayed by major media owned by complacent billionaires”. She also underlines that “it is the lack of resources which creates tensions leading to these situations of violence”, with “five physical attacks on teachers” in the past month.

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“The staff each time provided their full support, without reservation, to the colleagues who were attacked,” insist the authors of the text. The Lille public prosecutor’s office did not confirm the filing of complaints by teachers but only the opening of the investigation. The rectorate explained for its part that it had granted functional protection to 43 teachers at the Sévigné high school.

The institution indicates that it has granted this protection to all those who requested it, regardless of possible complaints, and specifies that these 43 people represent a third of the establishment’s staff. The high school student is accused of having slapped a teacher on October 7 who asked her to remove the veil she had just put on before leaving the establishment.


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