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“We won’t be able to get rid of it”: the hornets invite themselves to the party on outdoor races in the Gers

the essential
Six people were victims of hornet stings last Sunday during the Ronde des foies gras, in Mauvezin. Aware of the recurring risk, organizers and specialists are focusing on prevention.

“We’re used to hornets. I think we’ve had them every year since Covid.” Incredulous, Xavier Hanicotte prefers to smile. These invasive insects have been poisoning his life every fall for many years now, during the Round of Foie Gras. Held Sunday October 13 in Mauvezin, the 31e edition did not escape: six participants were victims of injections. One of them even had an allergic reaction but was able to be treated on site thanks to rapid and efficient intervention by the security service. “Since last year, we have been using cetirizine* for prevention on farms. We also have a doctor and a team from ASPEC on site (Editor’s note: Association of first aiders and firefighters for events and charity)” , indicates the organizer.

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VIDEO. Round of foie gras 2024: “We have the challenge and good food, what more could you ask for?”

Well aware of this recurring problem, Xavier Hanicotte and his team had nevertheless prepared the ground ahead of the event. But nothing helps: the hornets burst in again each time. “We come by to clean regularly but we can’t detect them all. Last year, it was in a completely different area and here, it’s in another area again. Last year they were at the bottom of the trunk , at ground level, apparently, they were at 2 m”, sighs the co-president of the Ronde des foies gras association, which brought together 1,800 runners, cyclists and hikers on Sunday.

Asian hornets have colonized the Gers for around twenty years.

Once identified, the nest will be destroyed, assures Xavier Hanicotte. This will not solve the problem, however, as the date of the Ronde des foies gras is conducive to hornet attacks. “These are quite aggressive insects at this time of autumn because the nests are at their largest. Knowing that there can be approximately between 10,000 and 30,000 hornets in a colony, this can cause very serious attacks. serious”, observes Baptiste Urizzi, manager of the company Gers Guêpes Frelons, a pest control company based in Sempesserre.

“We’re going to add a team”

If the season and the sunny weather therefore increased the risk of attacks on Sunday, the threat is now present all year round in the department, in particular with the Asian hornet. “It’s an insect that has been there for 20 years now,” emphasizes Baptiste Urizzi. “It arrived via Lot-et-Garonne and very quickly colonized the Gers. As it has no natural predator, it spread realized that he could come down from the tree and stand almost anywhere. This is why we find him at ground level or at eye level, which causes more and more problems. ‘attacks.’ For the pest control specialist, the observation is implacable: “We will no longer be able to get rid of it, we will have to live with it and practice prevention, that is to say, be attentive, convey the images of the hornet and its nest For example, if you see several insects coming and going from a fixed point, you need to call professionals or get information.

For his part, Xavier Hanicotte ensures that he is keeping an eye on things within the organization: “I think that we are going to readjust the security service with ASPEC and that we are going to add a team.” Since zero risk does not exist, runners must now be warned: to experience the next Round of Foie Gras without a hornet sting, they will have to be extra careful.

An antihistamine used in the treatment of allergy.


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