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“An illegal immigration network”: two men convicted for trafficking in false papers in the Oise

“Every week, the public prosecutor’s office is contacted by the PAF (Editor’s note, Border Police) for attempted intrusions by migrants with more or less well-made false papers. » This confidence from the public prosecutor came this Tuesday, October 15 to illustrate the appearance before the court of Mustapha B. and Omar S., two refugees of Sudanese origin accused of “aiding entry and circulation and illegal stay of a foreigner in ” and “fraudulent provision of administrative documents”.

The facts date back to May 7, 2016, when Ibrahim, another Sudanese national, was arrested at -Beauvais airport with a false Australian passport in the name of Victor P. When questioned, he admitted to having bought this false passport from a man who calls himself “the Egyptian”. The investigators will identify the man behind this pseudonym: it is Mustapha B.

Omar S. was in turn identified because of telephone conversations with Mustapha B. During his arrest, investigators found numerous civil status documents on him from several different people. “They are members of my family”, he begins by saying on the stand before mentioning “friends who come to his house and left these papers”.

A transfer of 80,000 euros difficult to explain

“We are a united community, we support each other,” he explains. I don’t speak French, how would I go about making false papers? » When the president reminds him of his hearing where he spoke of “an aborted transaction for a passport”, he assures that his words “were poorly translated”. He will also be unable to explain “a transfer of 80,000 euros to Sudan via Western Union” when he receives “a salary of 1,400 euros”.

Mustapha B. will also have great difficulty justifying certain comments recorded thanks to telephone tapping. Among them, “the resale for 1000 euros of the false Italian passport” which had allowed him to enter France. Ditto when he asks one of his contacts “to give him his passport”. “He’s a Rasta, he looks a lot like you,” he explains on the phone. We give you 2,000 euros in cash, he pastes his photo and you file a report of loss or theft. »

For the prosecutor, “the numerous telephone correspondence demonstrate that they participated in an illegal immigration network where they asked for a lot of money in return for the documents.” At the end of the hearing, Mustapha B. was sentenced to 2 years in prison, including 1 year. Omar S. received 18 months in prison, 8 of which were suspended.


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