DayFR Euro

Ring road at 50 km/h: “Now the radars are working”, assures the police prefect

Motorists, pay attention. Since October 10, the maximum speed authorized on the ring road has been set at 50 km/h. The implementation of this limitation desired by the mayor (PS) of Paris Anne Hidalgo – citing the public health of the 500,000 residents of the axis – began at the beginning of the month, applied section by section. From now on, the entire 35 km of the road belt which encircles the capital is subject to the same rule. No more 70 km/h.

If a certain tolerance was accepted in the first days – the time to replace the last traffic signs among the 160 which mark the ring -, the configuration of the radars seems to have been adapted to the 50 km/h now in force. This is what the Paris police chief suggests. Guest on Info on the evening of Monday October 14, Laurent Nuñez indicates that “the 12 radars have been in operation since last Friday (October 11) ».

VideoThe 50 km/h ring road is already putting Parisians on edge

For the moment, the Parisian police chief is not able to draw an initial assessment, “because the radars are automatic and everything goes back to the center in (Editor’s note : the national center for processing traffic offenses). The senior official confirms the operation “for only a few days, since last Friday”, of the 12 radars on the ring road.

“The panels were installed after around ten days, there was a small period of tolerance from October 1, the date of entry into force. Now, the radars work and we also carry out speed checks using on-board cars,” concludes Laurent Nuñez on the public channel.

“No recourse”

The reduction in speed on the ring road is making headlines. A few days ago, the Association of Ile-de-France Mayors (AMF), of which all the municipalities of Île-de-France are ex officio members, filed an appeal with the regional prefect to counter-attack the municipal decree. According to the association, the ring road also falls under the “competencies of the State, through the prefect of police”.

On the subject of speed, “there will be no recourse”, replies Laurent Nuñez. “Speed ​​is a competence of the City of Paris. There is a decree which sets the speed at 70 km/h but a mayor may very well decide to take a more restrictive measure for safety and environmental considerations. This is what the City of Paris did. The State was against it, but there will be no appeal because this measure is based in law. »


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