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Islamism in our schools | The Quebec Journal

There has been a lot of talk in recent days about the drift of the Bedford School in Montreal and the influence that Islamists have over it.

Of course, we express it with starchy language.

This is another piece of information that the authorities would probably have preferred to keep confidential.

Because it comes, once again, to invalidate the great story of positive immigration which would always be richness and happy diversity. It reminds us that the meeting of cultures less often results in a joyful mix than the daily clash of civilizations.


We will add that this clash of civilizations depicts a West which doubts itself and cultures and civilizations from elsewhere, often conquering and vengeful, which do not hesitate to impose their standards on it.

Let us be clear: I am not one of those who combine Islam and Islamism in a conceptual jiffy.

It would be absurd to say that all Muslims are Islamists – it would be insulting to them too. Many are well integrated, very well integrated, and embrace the Western world.

But we will also not give in to the naivety that Islamism has nothing to do with Islam. The first comes in the baggage of the second.

Some see its fundamentalist, original expression. Others, an unfortunate drift which was not inevitable. I leave this discussion to historians.

One thing is certain, whoever imports Islam into his country will have Islamism.


We see it in every day.

Latest event to date: a teacher asked a student to remove her veil at school (because in France, not only must teachers not display ostentatious signs, but neither should students).

The student slapped the professor, and several professors, unsurprisingly, rallied behind the student, some out of leftism, others out of Islamism, we guess.

In other words, everywhere, the same causes generate the same consequences.


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