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Morocco and join forces to modernize education

At a time when education is the backbone of the evolution and development of societies, the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research (CSEFRS) of Morocco has taken an important step by signing a cooperation and partnership agreement with the School Evaluation Council in . This agreement, which took place this Monday, kicks off a promising collaboration, focused on the exchange of expertise and good practices in the educational field.

The signing of this agreement was chaired by Habib El Malki, president of CSEFRS, and Daniel Auverlot, president of the School Evaluation Council in France, an eminent personality recognized for his active role in the evaluation of the French education system . The two leaders stressed the importance of this cooperation, which aims to strengthen the education systems of the two countries through mutual support and knowledge sharing.

This agreement is part of a desire for innovation and modernization of educational systems. It aims to:

  1. Evaluate and Improve : Develop evaluation tools and methods that will identify the strengths and areas for improvement in the Moroccan and French education systems.
  2. Exchange of Expertise : Encourage the sharing of successful experiences and good practices, particularly in the area of ​​teacher training and the evaluation of educational establishments.
  3. Training Activities : Organize seminars, workshops and training sessions to strengthen the capacities of education professionals in both countries.
  4. Collaborative Research : Launch joint research projects on key themes linked to education, in order to better understand current issues and respond effectively to them.

During this meeting, El Malki expressed his conviction that this agreement “ embodies the Council’s desire to be open to the experiences of partner countries“. He underlined the importance of capitalizing on international experiences to enrich the educational debate in Morocco, thus contributing to the development of a new, more inclusive and efficient Moroccan school.

The agreement also establishes a clear reference framework for cooperation between the two institutions. This includes the establishment of effective communication channels, facilitating the exchange of documents, scientific resources and relevant data regarding the assessment of the education sector.

In addition, both parties committed to organizing regular working meetings bringing together experts from both countries to discuss recent developments in the education sector. These meetings will promote networking and collaboration between professionals, thus contributing to a dynamic of continuous exchange.

This agreement comes at a crucial time, when education systems are facing major challenges, including adaptation to new technologies, the inclusion of students in difficulty and improving academic results. By uniting, Morocco and France hope not only to address these challenges, but also to offer innovative and sustainable solutions.

The signing of this cooperation and partnership agreement represents a significant turning point for education in Morocco and France. Thus, the two countries demonstrate their common commitment to improving the quality of education, while enriching the experience of students and teachers.


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