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Quebec, first French-speaking sustainable destination, according to a European organization

The Quebec region can boast of being the first tourist destination east of the Rockies to obtain Biosphere Sustainable sustainable tourism certification. To be evaluated, the Destination Québec city association became a member of the Destinations community Biosphere, the organization that provides this certification.

This organization affiliated with Responsible Tourism Institute says it is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations to certify destinations. It is therefore not just an evaluation of environmental measures, because it also takes into account socio-economic commitments as well as the promotion of culture and heritage.

The Quebec region is now recognized as being greener, more sustainable and more responsible, and when there are tourists who come to Quebec, they leave less of a footprint on the environment.argues Félix Tremblay, public relations manager for Destination Québec cited.

To date, 63 destinations have been certified Biosphere Sustainable. Most are in Spain – the country where this institute is headquartered –, Portugal and British Columbia. According to the organization’s website, Tourisme Charlevoix is ​​in the process of certification.

Destination Québec cite pays $36,000 per year to be a member of Destinations Biosphere. She is convinced that obtaining this certification represents an asset in attracting tourists to the region.

Tourists are now looking for somethingsupports Félix Tremblay.

400 mystery criteria

Depending on the organization, the certification exam Biosphere Sustainable is based on a list of 400 criteria linked to the 17 ODD which is not made public. Biosphere, however, maintains on its site that the certification audit is carried out independently by a third party.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations

  1. No poverty
  2. Hunger zero
  3. Good health and well-being
  4. Quality education
  5. Gender equality
  6. Clean water and sanitation
  7. Clean and affordable energy
  8. Decent work and economic growth
  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  10. Reduced inequalities
  11. Sustainable cities and communities
  12. Responsible consumption and production
  13. Measures relating to the fight against climate change
  14. Aquatic life
  15. Land life
  16. Peace, justice and effective institutions
  17. Partnerships for achieving the goals

The process is not simple and the evaluation must be repeated every year, indicates Félix Tremblay. The comparison I often make is to say: “We joined the gym two years ago, we went to the gym every day and, now, the trainer tells us that our physical condition is really betterhe illustrates. But we cannot rest on our laurels.

Destination Québec cited does not know how many criteria the region had to meet to be certified. The tourist office indicates, however, that no occurrence of non-compliance with the criteria was listed in its evaluation.

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Île d’Orléans is a destination of choice for agrotourism (archive photo).

Photo : Radio-Canada / Hans David Campbell

Biosphere noted around twenty strong points in the region and in tourism-related businesses. The region was, among other things, rewarded for its agritourism practices, encouraging the local economy and agriculture, as well as for its more sustainable mobility initiatives, for example the provision of free public transport passes by participating hotels for a stay of two nights or more.

Mention is also made of certain infrastructures less directly linked to tourism in the territory of Destination Québec cited, such as the hydroelectric infrastructure, which provides energy from renewable sources and the Biomethanization Center, which allows energy to be recovered from organic residues. .

Biosphere nevertheless noted three points for improvement. The organization is asking for a list of food security laws and strategies as well as employment indicators. He also suggests the adoption of training Biosphere.

Collaboration of the tourist community

To obtain certification, Destination Québec city had to collaborate with various local government authorities, organizations and businesses.

Businesses in the region can also obtain certification if they meet certain criteria and pay membership. We have set up a program that invites and helps tourism businesses in the Quebec region to seek certification.indicates the public relations manager of Destination Québec cited.

At the moment, 28 companies in the region are certified, according to the website of Biosphere, including the Port of Quebec, the Festival d’été de Québec, Apikol, Château Frontenac and the Myranel restaurant.

It could be putting fewer towels in the rooms, offering social benefits to their employees or offering electric bikes to tourists, it’s really a range of thingsexplains Félix Tremblay.

With information from Jérémie Camirand

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