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Night of the homeless: interacting with homeless people

It is under the theme “Homelessness: 100 faces” that the Night of the Homeless (NSA) will be held on Friday, October 18 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at St. Mark Park in the borough. of Old Longueuil. And big news this year, people experiencing homelessness will be there to chat with the public and answer questions in an open book library.

Homelessness is increasing sharply throughout Quebec and Longueuil is no exception. According to Gilles Beauregard, coordinator of the Table itinérance Rive-Sud, this summer there were between 40 and 50 homeless camps just in Longueuil, unheard of.

“And that’s visible homelessness, the one we see. But there is also hidden, invisible homelessness. People who sleep in their cars or on a friend’s couch. This one is difficult to identify,” adds Catherine Blain, community organizer and head of the NSA organizing committee.

Open books
For the 2024 edition, the organizing committee aimed to put people at the heart of the activities. It is for this purpose that homeless people will play the role of “open books” and answer questions, a living library concept born in Denmark at the beginning of the century.

“For several years, the committee has been toying with the idea of ​​building an “open book” library,” explains Ms. Blain. With the increase in visible homelessness, the need to meet others became essential.”

These flesh-and-blood “books” will tell a chapter of their journeys. The public will have the opportunity to discuss and educate themselves on the phenomenon of homelessness.

A trainer of choice
Karine Guay has experienced difficult times in her life. After a suicide attempt and a stay in psychiatry, she was able to benefit from the services of L’Entre-Deux, which helps depressed women and women with borderline personality disorder.

One thing led to another, Karine regained her self-confidence and is today a delegate for RepresentACTION mental health Montérégie. This is her 8th living library organization and is participating in the formation of these “open books”. “Participants are free to answer all questions or not. If they are not comfortable with a question, they can close themselves, like a book,” she says. Ms. Guay believes that this activity will help build bridges between people or even deconstruct prejudices.

She dreams of the day when children will ask their parents on the weekend to meet these “Open Books” struggling with mental health or homelessness issues at the library.

Finally, around twenty community organizations will be on site to present their mission to the rhythm of Zuruba’s percussion during the solidarity march.

The itinerant
Also, the new acoustic version of his song L’itinérant by rapper and NSA spokesperson, Samian, will be released first thing on October 18 on all platforms. Samian generously donated the copyright of this song to the organization of La Nuit des sans-abri.

Rapper, but also actor, host, photographer and producer, Samian has had the cause of homelessness at heart since he found his father, whom he had not seen for many years, in a homeless situation on a corner street in Montreal.


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