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The inclusion of descendants of Moroccan Jews divides the Jewish community

Part of the Moroccan Jewish community expresses its opposition to a legislative proposal, debated for more than a year, which is resurfacing in the public arena. Although still present on the national platform of citizen participation, this initiative aims to grant Moroccan nationality to the descendants of Moroccan Jews. A group of Jews residing in Morocco, who underwent nationality granting processes, reported that “ the procedures in force, which apply to all Moroccans, are effective ».

On this subject, Jacky Kadoch, president of the Moroccan Jewish community of the Marrakech-Safi region, stressed that “ current Moroccan laws do not deprive any Moroccan, whether Jewish or Muslim, capable of proving their national origins, of access to nationality “. He added that “ such a legislative proposal is full of bigotry, and it is not acceptable to call for legislative discrimination on the basis of religion ».

In explanations provided to HespressKadoch specified that ” the granting of nationality is the responsibility of the Moroccan authorities, and we know the place occupied by Moroccan Jews in their country “. He argued that “ reforming laws relating to the granting of nationality could be general, but not specific to Jews. Muslims can also be faced with this type of situation, and the legislator has put in place concrete measures “. Furthermore, he suggested that “ it is possible to create an office to ease the burden on the courts ”, while guaranteeing the universality of the legal rule.

Kadoch also insisted that “ Moroccan Jews whose ancestors emigrated very early in the contemporary history of Morocco or before, have the possibility of seeking links likely to allow them to obtain Moroccan nationality, which links them to their country..

« We have supported many Moroccans who have obtained nationality, and we do not see a problem at this level, unless they are isolated cases that we could help to resolve, but without specific law “, he explained.

For his part, Houcine Benmessaoud, the depositary of the proposal, reaffirmed what he included at the heart of the signature collection document, which has so far collected 18 digital signatures and 270 paper signatures. For the proposal to be examined and decided by parliament, it is necessary to collect 20,000 signatures within sixty days. According to him, “ the proposal is based on a reality and has no sectarian character ».

Benmessaoud added, in his clarifications to Hespresswhich « people left for Australia in 1920, and never applied for a Moroccan passport. It is therefore difficult for their descendants to obtain Moroccan nationality “, considering that “ the legislative text expresses a real desire to strengthen the links between the descendants of Moroccan Jews who do not have nationality and King Mohammed VI ».

After the start of the genocidal war waged by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, Benmessaoud reported numerous calls received, stressing that “the situation in the Middle East makes the legislative proposal embarrassing, given that Moroccans in Israel are considered killers and soldiers “. He insisted that he “ rejects this approach, because all Moroccans are Moroccans, no matter where they are or what they do ».

The text of the proposal, addressed to Rachid Talbi Alami, President of the House of Representatives, and Nadia Bouaida, President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs and Moroccans Abroad, stipulates the granting of Moroccan nationality to all Moroccan Jews who have previously renounced it, as well as to all their children and grandchildren. The external services of the Ministry of the Interior will be responsible for receiving requests from interested parties, whether in Morocco or from consular services for those living abroad.

Furthermore, the document proposes that “ the courts of first instance examine applications for obtaining nationality based on the last domicile of the father or grandfather, and that decisions rendered on this subject can be appealed to higher courts and to the ministerial commission that could be created to monitor and manage applications for obtaining nationality “. Furthermore, it is expected that “ the State provides various facilities, resources and means to integrate the children and grandchildren of Moroccan Jews into economic, political, religious, cultural and social life ».


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