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Help for veterans and ex-RCMP officers having difficulty finding housing

The federal government is granting nearly half a million dollars to the John Howard Society of Prince Edward Island to support veterans and ex-RCMP officers having difficulty finding housing.

Bobby Morrissey, a Liberal MP from Prince Edward Island, made the announcement in Summerside on Friday.

The amount comes from a $78 million package aimed at helping veterans and ex-RCMP officers across the country who are experiencing housing difficulties.

Nearly 72.9 million will be used to provide rent supplements and money to cover security deposits and arrears.

Bobby Morrissey reports that there are more than 2,600 veterans who require this type of assistance.

My wish is that there is not a single veteran or ex-member of the GRC who is not on the streethe said.

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Bobby Morrissey, MP from Prince Edward Island.

Photo : CBC / Tony Davis

The program also provides $6.2 million to help operate organizations and support research into veteran homelessness.

The funding includes nearly $500,000 over four years which will go to the Society John Howard of Prince Edward Island, to support the implementation of the program.

The president of this company, Conor Mullinnotes that his team has already identified two people from the province who will be able to benefit from this financial assistance.

It’s a real shamehe laments. These people risked their lives to defend our country and stood up to defend our freedoms, our values ​​and our communities.

They have done so much for us and made so many sacrifices, and to think that after this they are going through this is an absolute shame and dishonor.

A quote from Conor Mullin, President of the John Howard Society

Conor Mullin believes this funding from Ottawa will help Canadian organizations better understand the extent of the problem in each province.

Let us return the favor

Jean Berubé and LeRoy Gambletwo air force veterans, were present at the announcement in Summerside on Friday.

They believe this program will help people who are hesitant to seek help due to mental health issues, substance abuse or their pride.

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Jean Berubé (left) and LeRoy Gamble (right).

Photo : CBC / Tony Davis

The military kind of teaches you to take care of yourself and fend for yourself. This makes it very difficult for some soldiers to ask for helpexplains Summerside veteran Jean Berubé.

LeRoy Gamble shares for his part that it is trying to see so many people in the field facing so many difficulties.

It hurtshe said. Many people who have served in the military suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, and this sometimes causes them to turn away from help. I think we will finally be able to look into this now.

Conor Mullin confirms that the Company John Howard is aware of the challenges these people face and hopes the program will help ease some of their burden.

You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You have done us a great favor and now let us return the favorhe says to veterans in need.

The Veteran Homelessness Program will be funded until 2027-2028.

According to the report of Stephen Brown CBC


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