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the opposition calls for competent parliamentary delegations to defend territorial unity

In response to the royal speech delivered this Friday on the occasion of the opening of the legislative year, the opposition parliamentary groups reacted strongly, rejecting the idea of ​​compromise in the constitution of parliamentary delegations sent abroad . They insisted on the importance of prioritizing skills and expertise when selecting members of these delegations, in order to effectively defend the national cause and the territorial unity of the Kingdom.

Abdellah Bouanou, president of the parliamentary group of the Justice and Development Party (PJD), stressed that King Mohammed VI had recalled the historical evolution of the national cause, highlighting the recognition of many countries, including members influential members of the Security Council. He called for other nations to take into consideration the historical, spiritual and civilizational dimensions of Morocco’s territorial unity.

For Bouanou, parliamentary diplomacy is a central element of the royal discourse. The king insisted on the fact that parliamentary delegations, whether bilateral or multilateral, must be made up of competent people in order to effectively defend the territorial unity of the Kingdom. According to him, this issue will be one of the major priorities for the coming year, with participation in various forums and international meetings to support this cause.

He also recalled that the king gave clear directives to political parties and Parliament to tackle this issue rigorously, by strengthening communication with countries which have not yet recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara. The choice of members of parliamentary delegations, according to the sovereign, must be based on their skills and expertise. Baaziz firmly stated: “ It is time to put an end to compromises in the composition of delegations sent abroad. Yes to competence, yes to the defense of our cause by experts, because the national cause is priceless ».

For her part, Nabila Mounib, deputy of the Federation of the Democratic Left (FGD), drew attention to the importance given to the Sahara and international relations in the royal speech. She considered that it is imperative that the country’s institutions, including Parliament, live up to their mission of defending national sovereignty. However, she criticized the Foreign Affairs Committee for its inaction, revealing that it has not met since the election of its chair in April.

Mounib also stressed that the majority of political parties do not fully assume their role and that the diplomatic recognitions obtained, although significant, are not enough. She insisted on the need to strengthen the domestic front by consolidating democracy, human rights and the rule of law, affirming that “ only profound constitutional and political reforms will make it possible to protect our territorial unity ».

She concluded by calling for increased mobilization in the face of the dangers that threaten the country, recalling that the elections are approaching and that the disengagement of citizens is growing. “ We must redouble our efforts to strengthen our country, defend democracy and human rights “, she insisted.


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