DayFR Euro

Maison services presented in Concarneau

In these recently fitted out premises, Services organized an open house on Friday for professionals and associations who were able to discover the premises. Eleven national operators (13 in 2025) will be represented there; seven of them will intervene regularly in a dedicated space to help the inhabitants of the territory in their procedures: Agora justice; Departmental Council for Access to Law (CDAD); Consumption, housing and living environment (CLCV); Public finances; France Travail and, since June 2024, the CAF and the CPAM. “The commitment of France Services is the possibility of being welcomed by a qualified professional, with a view to obtaining information and carrying out first-level administrative procedures,” said manager Olivier Audet on Friday.

“Subsidy of €90,000”

In these new premises, users will be welcomed in a friendly manner by two advisors, by appointment only, from Monday to Friday. However, a free reception will be offered in the morning.

From October 2023 to October 2024, the e-bus agents who operate in the nine CCA municipalities accompanied 4,377 people, which corresponds to 5,336 appointments. “And it’s always full,” underlines the head of France Services. There is a huge demand in our territory.”

For this public service mission, CCA receives state aid of €90,000 (e-bus and Kerandon premises). At the end of 2026, the France services house should move into the ground floor of the Quassia tower in Kerandon. The goal of all these movements? Welcoming even more national operators.


Maison France services, 2 Place du Marché, in Kerandon, Concarneau: public reception by appointment, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday, from 2 p.m. at 5 p.m. Registration: 02 98 97 77 07 and


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