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Saint-Maurice-sur- – Commemoration and exhibition of the roundup of October 2, 1944

Remembering these Fremis who, having refused the Nazi yoke, organized themselves in March 1943 to lead a clandestine but effective struggle, paying with their lives for their love of freedom: this is why a collected and attentive crowd gathered in front of the town hall on this Saturday, October 5, under a beautiful autumn sun.

After the reading of the Memorial plaque by the Mayor and the listing by Fremis schoolchildren of the names of the victims of the roundup of October 2, 1944, wreaths were laid in the name of French Remembrance and our commune.

This moment of contemplation was followed by the Marseillaise, performed brilliantly by the Bussang-Saint-Maurice Harmony, then speeches by Mayor Thierry Rigollet, Departmental Councilor Dominique Peduzzi and finally by the Deputy of Vosges Christophe Naegelen.

All three emphasized the duty of memory, particularly in these troubled times, and the importance of educating younger generations by making them aware of the values ​​of our Republic: freedom, equality, fraternity.

A breath of emotion passed over the assembly, when the students of our school sang Le Chant des Partisans, under the direction of Mistress Karine. Their young voices, accompanied by part of the audience, touched the hearts of the many people present.

A brochure, repeating the words of the song and presenting the photo of the presentation of the de Guerre in 1948 to the mayor at the time, Jacques Georges, was distributed to the audience.

Thanks to the flag bearers ended the official ceremony, which continued in a friendly manner with a friendly drink offered in the school canteen building.

Those present were also invited to visit the exhibition dedicated to this raid, set up in our church, visible from September 30 and until October 11 during the building’s usual opening hours.

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