DayFR Euro

Event: Parc Jean-Jacques Rousseau comes alive for the end of the season

To close the end of its season, the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Park located at Ermenonville is organizing an event on Sunday October 27. Developed in partnership with the Oise Departmental Council, this day will be an opportunity to discover or rediscover the park and its natural riches around the cultural celebration. The demonstration will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m..

An event for all audiences

Of many stands will be present and activities, conferences and educational workshops will be offered to visitors of all ages and which will bring together all the environmental partners of the Oise Departmental Council. Among the stands, you can find:

  • A du stand Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. There will be an exhibition, documentation and games dedicated to biodiversity in the Oise.
  • A du stand Conservatory of Natural Spaces of Hauts-de-. Nicolas Josse, project manager, will offer an animation with a game on the degradation of peatlands and restoration actions.
  • A du stand Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives. Marc Baldeck, Director of its Oise branch, will present a close-up of the natural forest/dead wood and the biodiversity associated with it (mushrooms, insects, cavities, etc.)

The Company Turns to Ground will offer poetry walks based on haikusshort poems of Japanese origin which aim to celebrate the fragility of things and the sensations they arouse. Two performances will take place, one at 2:30 p.m. and another at 4:00 p.m. Each will last 45 minutes. A food truck will also be installed at the entrance to the park. Entrance is free and without reservation.

Also read: Oise: the captivating spectacle of the Northern Lights
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