DayFR Euro

Supervision around sex education is sufficient

Friborg MPs refused a motion requesting “complete information for parents on courses dealing with sexuality and transidentity and the possibility for parents to exempt students from such courses”. They consider the current situation adequate.

The motion by UDC deputies David Papaux and UDF Ivan Thévoz was rejected Friday by 81 votes to 15 and 1 abstention. The elected officials followed the position of the Council of State, given by the Minister of Training Sylvie Bonvin-Sansonnens, for whom “the work of prevention in matters of sexuality is the subject of sufficient supervision”.

And parents are well informed, added the executive in its response to the instrument which wanted to establish more control in the area. “Parents can already exempt their children from sex education classes by sending a letter to the school management,” he added.

Recognized expertise

The prevention workshops against discrimination linked to sexual orientations and gender identities were developed with the expertise of the Friborg Sexual Health Center (CFSS). In addition, they were validated by the School Health Office, specified the cantonal government.

“The sex education courses provided by the CFSS are an integral part of the cantonal prevention and health promotion programs,” the executive further noted. PS MP Marie Levrat deplored a motion attacking sex education. To which David Papaux responded that he wanted to put in place safeguards.

Reinforced frame

For their part, the movers said they wanted to question the Council of State on the control of sex education classes and anti-discrimination prevention workshops, on issues of gender and transidentity. They also question the compatibility between the information transmitted and the age of the children.

The motion also asked for the possibility for parents to exempt their children from these courses and workshops and to be informed of their content. It also required the development of an official cantonal control framework over sex education and prevention workshops.



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