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Back to square one after the rejection of the Executive’s proposal

Students from the faculties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy have overwhelmingly rejected the government’s proposal aimed at resolving a crisis which has lasted for almost ten months.

According to informed sources consulted by Hespress FRthe vote, organized by the National Commission of Medical Students (CNEM) since Wednesday, revealed that 86% of students were still boycotting classes and exams since last December. They consider that the government offer does not meet the main demands for which they have been protesting for more than 10 months.

The vote, organized in a unified manner in all faculties, focused on three points: the government’s proposal, the start of the academic year and the prioritization of outstanding points. It appears that 81.4% of students judged that the government’s proposal was insufficient and did not meet their expectations regarding the disputed points.

In addition, 86.9% of voters supported the idea of ​​continuing their protest actions in the face of what they perceive as a lack of adequate response from the government.

Regarding the outstanding points, students indicated that they considered all of these points to be equally important, with slight priority given to refusing the reduction of the duration of studies from seven to six years, as well as the return of suspended students and the management of student councils. They also expressed concerns about the conditions for resuming classes and the management of exams.

This decision by future doctors comes after a successful national demonstration organized last Saturday in the capital, Rabat, where thousands of students from various cities expressed their discontent. Following this mobilization, student representatives were invited by the Ombudsman institution for a meeting during which they received the ministry’s response to their objections to the government proposal.

Despite the ministry’s efforts to convince students to end their boycott of theoretical courses and hospital internships and thus save the academic year from a very probable “white year”, the boycott rate for the exams scheduled for October 4 was spectacular, approaching 100% in certain faculties.

According to our source, the CNEM contacted the Kingdom’s Mediator this Thursday evening to inform him of the rejection by medical students of the government proposal presented to their representatives last Saturday.


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