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Did teachers support the student who hit a teacher, as the Bollosphere claims? – Liberation


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The media in the Bolloré sphere assure that “around ten teachers” came to the defense of the high school student who hit a teacher who had asked her to remove her veil. None of the sources attached by “CheckNews” corroborate this assertion.

The affair has occupied the media space since the beginning of the week. Monday October 7, in (North), at the Sévigné high school, a student is accused of having slapped a teacher who asked her to remove her veil, while she was heading towards the exit of the establishment. In turn, the teacher would have returned the slap to the student, before receiving blows all the way to the entrance gate, all in the heart of a crowd of high school students.

Subsequently, a complaint was filed by the teacher. The young girl was placed in police custody and then referred on Wednesday October 9 to the court, where her defense obtained that her trial be adjourned until December 11. “The case was adjourned to allow him to prepare his defense”confirms to CheckNews the Lille public prosecutor’s office. Which specifies that “the student was placed under judicial supervision pending his judgment”. On site, classes were suspended for a time and a precautionary measure was issued against the student, in order to prevent him from returning to the establishment.

“It does not correspond to what was given to me”

If the incident was widely covered by the press, Bolloré’s media provided information not appearing elsewhere. Wednesday morning, on set on CNews and on the website of JDDwe announce that according to “a source close to the case


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