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An APF disability center on strike against job cuts

The decision taken by the managers of the Association of Paralyzed People of (APF) France handicap to lay off between 300 and 400 employees of the payroll and accounting services sparked a protest movement on all the sites of the organization defending the rights of disabled people and their loved ones. Employees from the Voisenon center (Seine-et-) responded this Tuesday to the call for a strike launched by the CGT and FO, reports The Republic of Seine-et-Marne.

80 young people supervised by 90 employees

The Voisenon site, called Center du Jard, is one of three that APF France handicap occupies in the department, with those of Combs-la-Ville and (Seine-et-Marne). It accommodates 80 young people with disabilities aged 11 to 25 as well as an annex to the Léonard-de-Vinci vocational high school in (Seine-et-Marne), where some adolescents attend school.

90 people work at the center, including two employees affected by the workforce reductions. They had respectively been employees of APF France handicap for thirty years for one and around twelve years for the second, specified Yann Leroux, a specialized educator at the structure. The association justified the layoffs by a deficit which reached 37 million euros.


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