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Construction crisis: “It is time for a revival in the sector”, says the federation impatiently

Between the lack of personnel and the shutdown of numerous construction sites, the construction sector is struggling to emerge from the crisis. In and elsewhere in , he organizes “behind the scenes” days on Thursday and Friday to encourage middle school students to choose these professions.

“Currently, we are still living in markets that we would have dealt with previously”explains Pierre Schaeffer, president of the construction federation in Moselle, guest of France Bleu Lorraine, Thursday October 10, to discuss the crisis in the sector. “Now, it is time for there to be a revival in our sector. Otherwise our profession will have some problems. From the moment we no longer have future prospects, we will have to scale back, which will lead to necessarily layoffs.”

Pierre Schaeffer attend of the new government “effective measures for a revival of the building industry”. In particular, he hopes see return zero interest loan on the territory. “It was limited to certain sectors, but here it would apparently be generalized to all new housing”he indicates. “On the other hand, we are lacking housing. We need 500,000 housing units annually, and we are around 250,000. We must encourage investors to invest.”

He points to the “zero net artificialization of soil” program, supposed to make it possible to leave land empty of any constructionwhich he considers to be a “obstacle”. “We need to improve it. We ask municipalities to build social housing, but then we prevent them from doing so, not for lack of land, but because there is this zero artificialization of the land which slows things down enormously.”

200 positions left vacant in Moselle

The president of the construction federation in Moselle also regrets “rules that have changed” in matters energy renovation. “They need to stabilize”he says. “And that all these markets go to serious companies, which have qualifications. This has not been the case until now. Ephemeral companies, which were very well organized, did canvassing, phoning and installations which did not have never worked. The end customer no longer has any recourse.”

The sector also still faces staff shortages. “We are currently recruiting around 1,000 future employees, due to the retirement of our veterans”specifies Pierre Schaeffer. But are they all provided? “Clearly, that’s not the case.”he regrets. “We still have a deficit, we are still looking for collaborators. Around 200 in Moselle alone, at the moment.”

“You can make a very good living in construction”

In this context, the federation is participating in Les Coulisses du BTP on October 10 and 11. An operation which allows middle school students to visit construction sites in the department. “They are building and public works professionals who are keen to introduce young people to their profession as well as their passion for building”he explains. “We want to make them attentive to everything we do and possibly interest them in joining us in the future.”

The opportunity to break some clichés. “We want to show that our jobs are rewarding jobs, which have a future”continues the president of the federation. “We have partnerships with the CFA BTP of Montigny and . Our work-study apprentices, at the end of their training, have a guaranteed job. And these are jobs that pay. You can make a very good living in the construction industry! In apprenticeships and work-study programs, our professions pay between 20 and 25% more than in other sectors.”


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