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“They must remain confined”, five students from plunged into the heart of the phenomenon

Having already suffered Hélène, following Milton’s announcement, and understanding that the cyclonic phenomenon is of exceptional magnitude, the young people were all the more worried as they were housed in residences, independently.

“The supermarket has already been robbed”

Also, Even’s mother, Nelly, and other parents asked the school to evacuate their children to a less exposed area. “What decisions were made to protect our children from danger? », Asks Nelly by message. “Indeed, they are alone in the houses,” she worries, adding that they were dropped off very early at the shopping center to get supplies before locking themselves in, but “there was already no more only one drop of water to buy, the supermarket had been robbed. »

“None of the parents slept all night, we do not understand why they are not evacuated, or failing that, why an adult accustomed to managing cyclones does not join them to secure them,” continued the mother of Even, on the eve of the predicted storm, and all the more worried because her son is still a minor.

The students’ houses were “bunkerized” before the cyclone but the young people did not manage to get supplies in time


“They must remain confined”

“Your children must remain confined in their residences, they are in permanent contact with the school which must also manage all the students on the site,” responded the school by message. “The adults at the school are constantly monitoring the evolution and trajectory of the cyclone and, like all Floridians, are on constant alert and vigilance. »

On Facebook, Even reacted: “I am preparing to face Hurricane Milton which will sweep through Florida, force 5! We can’t go shopping because the Wallmart store was robbed! We find myself and my other comrades, left to our own devices in our respective houses! »

Even’s family, however, opened an online fundraiser to finance the evacuation of the young resident, who finally managed to take a flight to Washington in the company of one of his classmates. “They will stay at the hotel until Sunday,” says his mother Nelly, thanking the donors: “It’s a total budget of 1,500 euros, and without your help we wouldn’t have made it,” says her upon the arrival of her son.


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