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The Olympics boosted the numbers in clubs

Three questions for… Patrick Osouf, president of the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS) of .

Patrick Osouf, is the Olympics effect observed at the national level also a reality in Calvados?

Absolutely. To give you some figures communicated to me by certain departmental committees, judo and table tennis recorded an increase in licenses of 15 to 20%, and 10% for tennis. But the most spectacular progressions are seen at the level of school sport, with 20% more licensees and corporate sport, which jumps by 30%.

In terms of team sports, rugby and basketball, with a 10% increase, are doing a little better than handball and football which remain on their usual basis. As for swimming, despite the requests, it cannot do more due to the limited number of water lines available to the clubs.

Now what remains for clubs to adapt?

Yes and it’s not that simple. Welcoming more graduates is good. But we must consider the means in terms of facilities and educators. Volunteering cannot meet all needs. It is necessary to develop sports employment.

I like to adopt this formula from the former coach of the French handball team Claude Onesta: “Sport is an investment, not an expense. » Local authorities are doing what they can, but I think that a big effort from the State is essential.

Has adapted sport also benefited from this impact?

Yes. The significant media coverage of the Paralympic Games, and on public channels in addition, has made it possible to highlight sports and athletes that we usually hear little about. I am thinking in particular of Cécifoot and para-badminton which gave us extraordinary moments of emotion. But here too, additional resources are needed. The disabled sports equipment that we have and that we lend to the clubs is always outside. The demand is significant.


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