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223 arrests and 160 fixed fines issued

Since January 19, 2024, “clear square” operations – carried out to strengthen the fight against everyday delinquency, while concentrating efforts against drug trafficking, have taken place in . Deployed in the municipalities of Port, Saint-André, Saint-Benoît, Saint-Denis, Saint-Paul and Saint-Pierre, they made it possible to carry out 223 arrests and 160 fixed fines linked to narcotics, labor regulations of the commerce, and foreigners’ rights (Photo:

In Reunion, 71 operations were carried out and 4,400 law enforcement personnel were engaged.

In total, the police and gendarmerie forces checked 21,000 people.

On September 24 and 25, 2024, the Réunion national police carried out a “clearance” operation in the Trinité sector in Saint-Denis. In total, 235 people and 25 vehicles checked and 25 tickets issued.

On May 28, 2024, from 6:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., the Reunion police carried out a “place net” operation in order to fight against deal points, trafficking as well as all forms of delinquency in the Moufia district of Saint-Denis . 230 people were checked, three were arrested, including two in an irregular situation and one wanted in connection with domestic violence.

On Thursday May 2 and Friday May 3, 2024, the Réunion police carried out a “clearance” operation in the area of ​​the Saint-Pierre bus station. 1.52 grams of cocaine and 8 grams of cannabis were seized.

From Monday 22 to Monday 29 April 2024, the gendarmes of the Saint-Benoît company, supported by the soldiers of all the units of Reunion, carried out seven operations aimed at combating incivility, drug trafficking, road delinquency and environmental damage. More than 1,000 people were checked, nine people were taken into custody.

On Wednesday April 10, 2024, the gendarmes carried out an operation called “clear square” to fight against “shoots”. Following the operation eight people were taken into police custody.

On April 10 and 11, 2024, the police carried out a “Place Net” operation in the Rivière des pebbles au Port district following an increase in acts of urban violence. Results of the operation: three placements in police custody for hit-and-run, break-in, and domestic violence. Weapons as well as 38 grams of cannabis, 3 grams of MDMA, 11 grams of cutting products were seized.

As part of the Places Net operations, Monday March 25 and Tuesday March 26, 2024, the national police of Réunion mobilized to fight against drug trafficking as well as all forms of delinquency in the Vauban, Camélias and Chaumière districts in Saint-Denis. 184 ecstasy pills were seized.

On Wednesday February 28, 2024, a security operation by the national police took place in the Saint-Clotilde district of Saint-Denis. In total, five people were arrested, including three for carrying weapons, one person in an irregular situation and one individual required to leave French territory.

– A major operation to fight against delinquency –

According to the gendarmerie’s explanations, “the entire island is affected by this large-scale operation”. Teams from Reunion Island, supported by reinforcements from a squadron from , the “Guépard” squadron.

These operations mobilize, “in close collaboration with the judicial authority, all law enforcement agencies: national police and national gendarmerie, with the assistance of municipal police; but also in association with several partners such as transporters and social landlords”, indicates the prefecture in a press release.

They include different areas of action: checks of common areas and cellars, identity checks at the request of the public prosecutor, mobilization of dogs specializing in the search for drugs and weapons, checks of businesses, security of public transport, kidnappings systematics of so-called “suction cup” vehicles, etc.

Through large-scale coordinated action, the “Place Net” operations make it possible to strengthen security in areas affected by local crime and to restore the living environment of residents.

Set to continue over the coming months, the “Place Net” operations make it possible to secure public spaces and reassure residents of these areas.[email protected]

News from Reunion, Security, Operation Net Place


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