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“A rating of 5/5 and hundreds of visitors per day”: it is in this bakery that the best baguette in 2024 can be tasted

Every year, the baguette, a true emblem of French gastronomy, is celebrated in through the Grand Prix de la baguette de tradition française. A competition co-organized by the city of Paris and the Syndicat des Boulangers du Grand Paris, which aims to elect the best baguette in the capital. It is up to a jury chaired by Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldjdeputy for commerce and crafts of the City of Paris and composed of members of large federations, journalists and six Parisians chosen at random, who have the mission of evaluating the baguettes submitted to the competition and rewarding those who distinguish.

Where can you taste the best baguette in Paris in 2024?

The baguettes are judged according to five essential criteria: namely cooking, taste, crumb, honeycomb and appearance. To be able to be presented to the jury, each baguette must also meet precise standards, with a size between 50 and 55 cm, a weight of 250 to 270 grams and a salt content of 16.8 grams per kilo of flour. In 2024, of the 173 participating baguettes, it is the one from the bakery Utopialocated in the eleventh arrondissement, which stood out by obtaining the perfect score of 5/5. A tasty victory for Xavier Netrythe head baker of this establishment founded in 2012 by Erwan Blanche et Sebastien Bruno. The person concerned supposes that his wand was able to seduce the judges thanks “a beautiful fermentation, good treatment of the leaven and a lot of diligence”. By winning this title, Utopie pocketed a nice bonus of 4,000 euros in addition to becoming the official supplier of baguettes to the Élysée for the coming year.

Already well anchored in the hearts of Parisians, the Utopia bakery has been even more taken by storm since it received this title in April 2024. Customers flock in by the hundreds every day, reported Le Parisien. Located between Place de la République and Rue Oberkampf, the bakery attracts as many Parisians as tourists, eager to taste the famous baguette, but also the brand’s other specialties such as charcoal baguettes, pastries and pastries. . This is not the first time that Utopia has received an award. In 2016, the establishment won the show The Best Bakery in on M6.

A career accelerator

As reported BFMTVthe Grand Prix de la baguette for the winners. Those from previous years, like With Pyrenees sourdough in 2023 and Frédéric Comyn in 2022, all experienced a strong increase in their notoriety and turnover after winning this award. During this 2024 edition, The Golden Houselocated in the 5th arrondissement, takes second place, while we also find The Parisian (VIIe), the Rougès Bakery (17th century), and The gourmet setting (XIIth) in the top 5. You now know where you need to go to buy your bread.


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