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Rachida Dati, back at the Council, already warns Anne Hidalgo and announces herself ready to draw

Rachida Dati does not let go of . Away from the Paris Council since her appointment as Minister of Culture, the mayor of the 7th arrondissement of the capital returns this Tuesday to the Paris Council at the head of the opposition group Changer Paris.

In an interview given to our colleagues at Parisianthe minister and best enemy of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, shows that her new leather, obtained last January, will not prevent her from remaining influential in the capital, quite the contrary.

The Eiffel Tower automatically classified in the face of opposition from Anne Hidalgo

This is particularly the case with regard to the Eiffel Tower, “only listed and not classified as historical monuments, whereas only classification would truly protect it,” explains Rachida Dati. A classification which the mayor of Paris opposes while highlighting an envelope of more than 360 million euros from the City intended to protect and preserve the monument.

Behind this refusal, the Minister of Culture sees a war of egos between her and the councilor, who could find themselves face to face in the municipal elections of 2026: “It is to be feared that she will make it a personal matter vis-à-vis -screw me, what I regret. »

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Faced with this interpretation, the minister goes directly to threats and issues an ultimatum to Anne Hidalgo: “I demand the classification of the Eiffel Tower. The regional prefect sent a letter to Anne Hidalgo to this effect. In the event of refusal on his part, I will take the decision of an automatic classification. »

The post of Minister of Culture to annoy the mayor of Paris

In addition, Rachida Dati regrets the pedestrianization of the surroundings of the Trocadéro, and mainly of the Iéna bridge, “decided in a demagogic manner”: “It is a brake on public security which has already caused an increase in serious acts of delinquency . Added to this are all the traffic delays in the districts which aggravate pollution and the effects of overtourism. »

Determined to fight against Anne Hidalgo on all fronts, she even announced that as Minister of Culture, she was keeping an eye on the redevelopment project for Place de la Concorde: “The national heritage and heritage commission Architecture has given a favorable opinion on this project. […] But be careful, this is not a blank check. »

“Pathetic” agitations according to the municipal majority

An intervention welcomed by his camp, in particular by Jean-Pierre Lecoq, mayor of the 6th arrondissement who spoke on X, but vilified by Anne Hidalgo’s close guard.

On the same social network, Lamia El Aaraje, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of town planning and architecture, encourages the minister to “take an interest in something other than the 7th arrondissement and deign to take care of numerous monuments , who themselves need the State.”

For his part, Eric Lejoindre, mayor of the 18th arrondissement, lamented: “These somewhat desperate agitations to try to remain somewhat relevant in Paris could only be pathetic, if they were not based on the use of a government function. »

The 2026 municipal elections seem to be well and truly underway.


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