DayFR Euro

6 minutes with Yves Defferrard, regional secretary of UNIA

Yves Defferrard is the new regional secretary of UNIA, with the mission of easing tensions within the central office but also of carrying out future negotiations in the retail sector. Yves Defferrard was guest of Béatrice Rul, at 7:30 a.m., on Radio Lac.

Your predecessor only stayed in office for three years. How long will you last?

“As long as it takes. I am acting as interim manager and I will try to stabilize the situation in the region before being able to put out a competition for a new position. All the measures requested by the OCIRT have been taken. Today Today, we mainly deal with union activity.”

UNIA is above all a union with fights. And it starts with a 5% salary increase. How to get this increase?

“It depends on the degree of mobilization of each branch. We cannot ask for an increase from a company which is close to bankruptcy. We are aware of the economic situation. But in many companies, there have been salary increases on merit with losses in purchasing power for many employees We know that the cost of living has not been compensated in many branches and sectors of activity. This is why this 5% also includes a delay since. several years.”

Another problem: the opening of stores, one more Sunday in December. A decision that you describe as unacceptable. We see businesses dying, with shopping tourism and competition in neighboring which is open every Sunday. What do we do in these cases?

“There is a responsibility of the State and employers. We are concerned about the conditions of employees. In industry, we have night or weekend work, but there are conditions to be met. Employees must accept this situation with correct working conditions. There is no CCT in sales, it is the law that prevails. We want an extended collective agreement, but there are obstacles on the side of Berne. “Today, it is unacceptable because the conditions required for employees are not there! We cannot have staff working without any weekend available during the month.”


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