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“Samira Harafa” controversy in -l’Evêque: “I am accused of everything and my car was burned!” We disentangle the true from the false

The situation is complicated in -l’Evêque

So we dug. And it must be said that the situation is complicated. Samira Harafa is a citizen of Fontaine-l’Evêque, active in particular on “citizen” social networks, and when DéFi decided to get started, she was contacted to appear on the list. She finally appears in 9th place. But her legal past resurfaced shortly after that: convicted in 2017 by the courts, and while a new investigation opened in 2019 is still underway, Samira Harafa is in the process of being excluded from the Défi party. “Following this discovery and as we take the judicial past very seriously at Défi, an exclusion procedure is underway. A procedure which is of course subject to an appeal to the committee of wise men. But it was reported to the candidate that we no longer wanted her to use our logo or speak on behalf of the party”explains Mikhael Jacquemain, president of the district. “We believe we were misled, and in the rush to officially submit the list, we did not do the screening we usually do.” However, Samira Harafa paid for all of her posters – with the Défi logo – on her own. And she doesn’t plan to take them off, “I paid out of my own pocket, I’m in the middle of the campaign, and they want to muzzle me? And there is a new legal procedure which has been launched, yes, but I remind you that I am presumed innocent. And for the exclusion of Challenge, I’ve already defended myself, now I’m waiting for a response. she said.

This gives a fairly chaotic situation: Samira Harafa was not condemned to ineligibility. That is to say, legally, she can run for office. “I have paid my debt to society, for facts dating from 2012 to be brought out a few days before the elections is small. And I’m not the only one with a saucepan, there are some in other communities and even with us at PS de Fontaine. But if they have paid their debt, like me, then they can come forward.” And indeed: she can show up, and she will show up. Since her 9th place on the Challenge list is now set in stone, she is a candidate on October 13. On the other hand, if she is elected and her exclusion from Défi is confirmed, then she will sit as an independent advisor. But that will happen later.

The true from the false

In summary: Yes, Samira Harafa has a criminal record, but she has paid her debt to society and is not ineligible. Yes, Samira Harafa is in the process of being excluded from the Défi party, but she is indeed a candidate for 9th place on the list and can therefore be elected if voters decide to vote for her. And yes, if she is elected she will be able to sit on the municipal council.

That should clear things up. “Except that people have been trying to lynch me for several days, I have also filed a complaint with the police against these harassers behind fake profiles, and I am mistreated. And then my car burned. I don’t feel safe, I can’t sleep anymore…” Concerning the arson of his car (gasoline was found next to his vehicle), an investigation is open. “All this when what I want, basically, is to change things in Fontaine-l’Evêque, to make it a beautiful town again. Because I find that things have not evolved in the right direction in twelve years and that there are things to be done, particularly regarding security and businesses. And burning my car won’t change my mind.”


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