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Retirement Meetings, October 7 to 12

Reception points are open in Oise and to help future retirees with their procedures. Outside of this operation, assets have the possibility of contacting advisors of Retirement insurance, Agirc-Arrco and MSA all year round.

Throughout the year, advisors from the three pension plans (Retirement Insurance, Agirc-Arrco and MSA) answer questions from future retirees. How much will my pension be? When can I leave at full rate? Is my career record up to date? What are the conditions for a long career? Premium, progressive retirement and cumulative employment retirement: which system to choose?

The advisors explain the rights and the procedures to follow.

In addition to this support, pension funds offer their policyholders online services and estimation tools to help them prepare for their retirement.

From October 7 to 12, working people can speak with an advisor remotely or in an agency, in more than 36 reception points spread across the region.

The meetings provided by the MSA, for farmers and agricultural employees, can also be done remotely or at one of the MSA reception points.

On the program: a chat, webinars and practical information to learn about your future retirement.

“Retirement meetings are available from the age of 45”

Thomas Cheveux is the head of the agency of Agirc-Arcco and retirement advice. He tells us more about the Retirement Meetings organized twice a year.

Le Bonhomme Picard: How long have these retirement meetings existed?

Thomas Hair : “For several years now. Initially there was only one edition per year. We were quickly overwhelmed. The MSA is joining us for the first time this year. “

When should you start preparing for retirement?

“You have to do it six months before but the Retirement Meetings are for everyone, from 45 years old. We sometimes even have younger profiles.”

What are the main questions and requests from future retirees?

“People especially want to know if their career is complete, if employers have made the declarations correctly.

For those who are closer to retirement, the question mainly concerns when they will be able to leave and with how much.

They want sto know if they will be impacted in the event of a new reform as well.”

How long does an interview last during the Retirement Meetings?

Around thirty minutes because it is above all about providing information.

Apart from this peak time, the agencies are open all year round. On schedules the duration of an appointment according to demand.”

Do you know how many people will potentially leave in 2025 ?

“It’s difficult to quantify. We felt an increase in requests a few years ago with the baby boom (people born after the Second World War, editor’s note). We have stabilized but we are seeing a lot of requests to leave at the start of the year.”

Comments collected by Sylvie Godin

Meeting places

Locations for the Retirement Meetings

1 Grande-Rue de la Veillère


1 rue du Pont de

17 rue Jean-Vast,

1 rue Joseph-Cugnot


7 rue d’Amiens,

5 ter rue Clément-Ader, ZAC des Mercières, Porte B


Traveling retirement center

Place de la République, 80390


11 Allée du Nautilus


Services, 25 Avenue Saint Exupéry PIMMS 60180

The event can also be followed online on the website


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