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“Bad news” for the wallet after the municipal election? Maxime Prévot’s response to opposition accusations

The opposition accuses the president of Les Engagés, Maxime Prévot, of “hiding bad budgetary news”, in order to avoid bad publicity before the municipal elections. Here’s what the main person thinks.

The Engaged”do they hide“the bad budgetary news both in the Walloon region and at the federal level before the municipal elections? These are the accusations of the PS/PTB/Ecolo opposition. Maxime Prévot, president of the party, guest of the Dernier Ligne Droite on RTL info 7 p.m. , replies that “the disc becomes a little scratched” : “We were very transparent. We explained that we would be able to follow the budgetary consolidation trajectory thanks to spending contraction measures.“, he assures.

So, it is the administrations that will be put on a diet. These are not the citizens for whom we are going to vilely seek new contributions from their wallets“, he adds.

For his part, Maxime Prévot accuses the opposition of trying “to regain health by surfing on fears, with caricatures, as if it was going to be blood and tears“.

The guest, however, will not go so far as to say that there will be no bad news after October 13: “I’m not going to go overboard and say there won’t be any bad news, because when you have to save hundreds of millions, it’s rarely with confetti and party favors.“.

But the mayor hammers, in front of Martin Buxant and Luc Gilson: “There will be no measures that will lead to a reduction in the purchasing power of citizens. We are committed, it is true to say, to be able to precisely increase the pocket salaries of those who work, also rewarding the sense of effort“, he replies. “But ultimately there will be public administrations which will have to learn to work with fewer resources, without living above them. For administrations, it may not be very funny, but it will not impact citizens in their daily lives. And that’s important to say to avoid fearmongering..”

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