DayFR Euro

Two thirds of Renaissance departmental presidents call for the candidacy of Gabriel Attal for the presidency of the party

We, presidents of Renaissance Departmental Assemblies, close to our activists and the daily life of our party in the territories, are calling for the candidacy of Gabriel Attal at the Renaissance congress next November.

Since the founding of En Marche in 2016, our party has changed, grown, matured and we are grateful to those who have led it.

But while we came close to disappearing during the legislative elections, our observation is clear: we must react quickly and strongly, bring new ideas, anchor ourselves even more in the territories and forge lasting links with the French.

We don’t have a second to lose. The congress provided for in our statutes is an opportunity that we must seize. To push back or delay the deadline would put us in serious danger. To go back is to take the risk of disappearing. We can’t bring ourselves to do this.

Militant. So today we need an activist at the head of the party.

Committed since the early days in 2016, long-time local elected official, Gabriel Attal has always remained an activist among activists. Again this summer, he showed it, as an “activist Prime Minister” by fully taking on the role of campaign leader during the legislative elections. And we measure it: everywhere in our departments, he has created a unique and sincere bond with those who keep our party alive.

For the leader of our party to be at the same time the president of our group in the National Assembly would be an invaluable asset.

Today we need coming together and unity. We need someone who does not belong to any movement but is able to represent them all and allow them to express themselves. As minister, Prime Minister, group president, Gabriel Attal succeeded in broadly uniting and carrying convictions without ever overpowering or fracturing our unity. He showed his ability to bring the collective to life and liven it up. And on the ground, among French people, we measured the support and hope that he managed to arouse more than anyone within our political family.

Exceeding. Today we need consistency and efficiency. For a long time now, we have been calling for closer ties between the party and our parliamentarians. For the leader of our party to be at the same time the president of our group in the National Assembly would be an invaluable asset allowing us to have even greater coherence, striking force and power of conviction.

Today, while some want to resuscitate old divisions, we must encourage overcoming and put ideas above all else.

Gabriel Attal continued to defend overtaking. He fought strong battles and courageous convictions, and was always uncompromising on our values. And while the far right is still as strong as ever, we remember that he was the architect of the Republican front, without the slightest hesitation.

So, for our ideas to live and our party to grow, we don’t have a second to lose. We need a new general secretary from November: Gabriel Attal.

The presidents of departmental assemblies:

Olga Givernet (Ain), Jean-François Jarrige (Allier), Christiane Hoang (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), Michèle Maffren (Hautes-Alpes), Magali Altounian (Alpes-Maritimes), Christine Breyton (Aude), Pierre Ignace (Aveyron), Bertrand Mas-Fraissinet (Bouches-du-Rhône), Valérie Mabin (Charente), Katherine Chipoff (Charente-Maritime), Isabelle Celle (Corrèze), Côme Agostini (Corsica), Laurent Baumann (Côte-d’Or ), Éric Laurent (Côtes-d’Armor), Éric Alauzet (), Nicolas Michel (Drôme), Guillaume Kasbarian (Eure-et-Loir), Valérie Rouverand (), Dominique Maucotel (Jura), Vincent Terrail-Noves (Haute-Garonne), Aziz Skalli (), Loïc Guilpain (Indre-et-), Quentin Bataillon (Loire), Patricia Gire-Joubert (Haute-Loire), Nathalie Castets (Landes), Capucine Fiacre (Lot), Corinne Griffond (Lot-et-Garonne), Mounier Belhamiti (Loire-Atlantique), Denis Masseglia (Maine-et-Loire), Bertrand Trepo (), Liliane Mroz (Haute-Marne), Arnaud Thorigne (Mayenne), Emmanuel Lacresse (Meurthe-et-), Diana André (Meuse), Guillaume Auffret (Morbihan), Brigitte Bourguignon (Pas-de-), Alexis Blondeau (Puy-de-Dôme), Marie Echevarria (Pyrénées-Atlantiques Basque Country), Jean-Simon Leblanc (Pyrénées-Atlantique Béarn), Lara Million (Haut-Rhin), Sarah Peillon (Rhône), Fabrice Barassi Zamochnikoff (Haute-Saône), Christian Saint-André (Savoie), Antoine Armand (Haute-Savoie), Cyril Bouaziz (), Nadine Ribot (Seine-Maritime), Franck Riester (Seine-et-Marne), Emmanuelle Chauvin (Deux-Sèvres), Benoit Mercuzot (), Jean-Jacques Boyer (Tarn-et-Garonne), Malika Di Fraja (), Roland Mérigoux (Haute-), Stéphane Buchou (Vendée), Elouann Cuny (Vosges), Victor Albrecht (Yonne), Mehmet Birsen (Territoire de ), Lauriane Rossi (Hauts-de-Seine) , César Melo Delgado (Val-d’Oise), Laurent Virapoullé (), Hanima Ibrahima Jouwaou (Mayotte), Marie-Ange Rousselot (French from abroad)

And the presidents of district committees:

Bertrand Hellion (Paris Center), Anne Vicher (Paris 5), Mireille Faton (Paris 6), Valérie Lévy (Paris 7), Erwan Leclerc (Paris 8), Fabrice Taratte (Paris 9), Mathias Brugère (Paris 10), Anne -Claire Pichon (Paris 11), David Ouzilou (Paris 12), Léo Allaire (Paris 13), Lynda Aba (Paris 14), Isabelle Rivière (Paris 15), Farès Goucha (Paris 16), Estelle Lê (Paris 17), Corinne Picaut (Paris 18), Christophe Lomonte (Paris 19), Mahamad Gassama (Paris 20),


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