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INFO BFM PARIS ÎLE-DE-FRANCE. A man wanted after falling into the Seine in the 15th arrondissement

INFO BFM Paris Île-de-France. The man was wearing a hospital gown and a cast on his legs. After his fall, the emergency services and the river brigade launched a search, which yielded nothing. An investigation has been opened.

A man fell into the Seine near the port of Javel, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, on the night of Tuesday May 7 to Wednesday May 8, BFM Paris Île-de-France learned from a police Source. Quickly dispatched to the scene, emergency services went looking for him, in vain.

Man in hospital gown and cast

The events occurred around 2 a.m. The man fell into the river “accidentally” without “the intervention of a third party” specifies a police Source at BFM Paris Île-de-France.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the man was wearing a hospital gown and was in a cast on his legs when he fell.

An open investigation

Emergency services, supported by the river brigade, quickly arrived on the scene to begin the search.

Despite this, “the searches undertaken to find him proved futile”, a police Source told us this Wednesday evening. An investigation has been opened.

Martin Regley and Maxime Cliet Ruzza

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